Lately, I've been playing a lot of...

Oh god, I'm such a FF2 and 3 nerd.

Yeah, Sabin's kinda mediocre... "technically". I always liked him a lot, I don't care what they say about him. Blitzes = Cool.
Cyan gets bashed a bit too. That psycho Cyan trick is nuts though, I tried it once. Only once, because I'm not much into killing everything on the screen with one button.

I personally think 2 beats the hell out of 3 though. I don't know why, just nostalgia maybe. And the music is incredible. Not to mention Rydia..... Ooohhhhhhhhhhh Rydia. My one true love. I'm gonna make a Rydia statue out of bread and marry it.
I always played heavy Cyan but this game I'm consciously neglecting him. I've never tried Psycho Cyan and I think I've had my fill of bugs already (freaking Sketch!).
games i bought, post-christmas: Killer 7 (surreal as hell), Resident Evil 4 (insanely well done, movie quality), and Shadow of the Colossus (the whimsy of Ico on steroids)