Latency (monitoring)


Dec 30, 2005
The Netherlands
Hey guys, I've been thinking about this issue for some time now but never really asked someone about it or read anything useful on it.

We all know Pro Tools (TDM & HD, I have no experience with their non dsp stuff) monitors all incoming signals through software, or their dsp hardware, however you want to see it. This works well because the latency is ridiculously low.

So now the real issue, how are Nuendo, Sonar, Logic people handling this problem? I'm a Nuendo user myself with a Presonus Firepod set at 4ms latency. Works quite well for guitar players and the like but I've had drummers and bass players complaining about the latency. Is there a solution to this problem or do all you non Pro Tools users monitor in hardware?

Discuss! :)
Personally, if i'm recording software amp sims, i'll either just play clean and monitor the DI signal as i've been playing amps long enough that i know how to coax the feel of an amp without there actually being one...
I monitor this via hardware

That said, if it's a pod, i'll i'll also monitor via hardware.

Long/short, i always monitor via hardware if it's myself playing.

If it's other musicians that can't cope with a dry signal, i'll either set a send to the pod or track one track at a time witrh an amp sim on a send to minimize CPU.
Well, I've noticed that my Mbox 2 with Pro Tools is poor with software monitoring so I always monitor the live feed from the mic or di before it goes in. Actually, I'm thinking that the best way to use pro tools is as a tape machine and go through an analog mixer to monitor everything.
I use Firepods too. Make sure you set the control panel (by right clicking on it) to CPU: HIGH otherwise the driver limits your lowest possible latency. You should be able to get under 2ms by setting CPU to high.
I know this can be done, but Nuendo isn't near as stable with 1.5ms latency as it is with 4ms. Pops and clicks if you resize windows or load plugins and stuff like that. Maybe for tracking drums this could be used, don't know.
So now the real issue, how are Nuendo, Sonar, Logic people handling this problem? I'm a Nuendo user myself with a Presonus Firepod set at 4ms latency.

Remember that the speed of sound = 344 m/s
So if you are monitoring with headphones at the latency of 4ms it is an equivalent of monitoring with speakers at 0 latency and 1376 milimeters (54 inches) from your ears.

I've had drummers and bass players complaining about the latency.

Maybe its the other way around ?
(I'm not a producer so correct me if im wrong)
When recording drums i would want the drummer to listen to his drums directly (through air (~2ms-4ms latency)) because he is accustomed to this normal delay, and to the other instruments (separated to prevent bleeding to drum mics) through headphones.
So if he is listening to everything else through low latency monitoring setup he is actually hearing other instruments much earlier than when the band is rehearsing (i guess the amps and cabs are much farther than 1,3 meters from his ears ?).
Maybe that is why he's thinking something's strange ?