Latest album to be released through Nightmare Records - Spring 2006!


Feb 11, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT USA
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:yow: The news all of you have been wating for!!! :rock:

The following was posted this morning on on the bands website:

Katagory V has announced that the latest album, “The Rising Anger” will be released through Nightmare Records this spring!

The band has been very tight-lipped and reserved the last few months concerning the release information of the recently completed 3rd album, “The Rising Anger”. But as of this moment they have made the official announcement. Here’s what bassist Dustin Mitchell had to say:

“We have spent the last few months making some minor adjustments and negotiations on the album, and we can now see light at the end of the tunnel. We didn’t want to give out any misinformation, or jump to conclusions ourselves about the “who, what, when and where’s” concerning the release until we were of course 100% certain… but now we can all rest easy knowing who will be working with us on putting out the new album.” Dustin Continues, “We have worked with Nightmare Records in the past on the distribution side, and have always had a positive and proactive relationship, so this was a very logical next step for us.” (Nightmare Records handled the distribution of the 1st album “Present Day”, and also picked up the bands 2nd album “A New Breed of Rebellion” after Metal Ages Records closed its doors)

“Lance (King, label manager of Nightmare Records) had made it known long ago that he was interested in putting out the 3rd album on his label, and with our past working relationship, we wanted him to have first shot. I feel that this will be a very win-win release for both Katagory V and Nightmare Records. Lance’s label has recently become a very competitive, up-and-coming metal lable to be reckoned with, including many of the acts on the roster; He wants the lable to continue to grow. So, we admire the prospect of growing with the label and feel the album will be handled respectfully and properly worldwide through Nightmare Records.”

Some of the acts on the Nightmare Records roster include: Eyefear, Steel Prophet, Manticora, Avian, Warmachine, Acension Theory, Cea Serin and Pyramaze.

“The Rising Anger”, Katagory V’s third album, is slated for an early spring 2006 release through Nightmare Records. An exact release date to be announced soon!

Katagory V newsletter
prog2112 said:
You are soooo mean!!! hahahahahahaha!! I forgot about that....(it's pregnant thing...I don't have a brain).

Just remember, you told me SAFETY glass....there IS still a chance...heheheheh.....


You are just figuring that out?!?!?! Hahahaha!! JW continuing to spread his "I'd rather..." sayings. lol!!!!

But now wait a minute Sheri!! You've got a little Dustin & Sheri baking in there? No shit!! Congratulations!!!!!! Poor Dustin, has to live with pregnancy brain for 9 months! When are you due?

Safety glass -- hahahahahaha!!!! :lol:
Hey Rick,

First all, we were so sad to hear the reason as to why you couldn't attend PP this year- you were dearly missed!! I hope everything is going ok for you....

yes J-dub and his safety of the highlights of PP- that and Jeff telling someone to "come back when they're pretty..."hahahahahaha!!

Yes, Dustin and I are having a little musician of our own..(scary, huh?). At least it won't be a baby mangina- we are having a little girl! We are naming her Olivia Petra Mitchell. She's due funny enough on Dustin's birthday (Jan 12th). That's good for me, then I don't have to buy him a present- I"m giving him a "home made" gift! (all he did was donate "the glue" to hold it all together...hehehehehe).

Take care and I hope all is well!! I got a copy of your demo but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. It's on my IPOD so hopefully it will come up in the rotation soon!

prog2112 said:
You are soooo mean!!! hahahahahahaha!! I forgot about that....(it's pregnant thing...I don't have a brain).

Just remember, you told me SAFETY glass....there IS still a chance...heheheheh.....


I still think the best quote came after that "Come back when you are pretty"
prog2112 said:
Hey Rick,

First all, we were so sad to hear the reason as to why you couldn't attend PP this year- you were dearly missed!! I hope everything is going ok for you....

yes J-dub and his safety of the highlights of PP- that and Jeff telling someone to "come back when they're pretty..."hahahahahaha!!

Whoops....missed that....* I * wasn't going to mention names!
prog2112 said:
She's due funny enough on Dustin's birthday (Jan 12th). That's good for me, then I don't have to buy him a present- I"m giving him a "home made" gift! (all he did was donate "the glue" to hold it all together...hehehehehe).

Well, I guess Dustin won't be yelling "That's no umbilical cord, THAT'S my SON" in the delivery room! :grin:

Hope all goes well for ya! I hope the grandparents don't mind watching her while you're at PP next year!
J-Dubya 777 said:
I still think the best quote came after that "Come back when you are pretty"

....I love it!!!!! :rock:

@Rick: RICK! we missed you in Atlanta man... but I scarffed several of your promo CD's and have ben giving them out to the local metal heads here. :grin:
Hope all is going well!

(holds up right hand) broken safty glass?
(Hold up left hand) .....


prog2112 said:
Hey Rick,

First all, we were so sad to hear the reason as to why you couldn't attend PP this year- you were dearly missed!! I hope everything is going ok for you....

yes J-dub and his safety of the highlights of PP- that and Jeff telling someone to "come back when they're pretty..."hahahahahaha!!

Yes, Dustin and I are having a little musician of our own..(scary, huh?). At least it won't be a baby mangina- we are having a little girl! We are naming her Olivia Petra Mitchell. She's due funny enough on Dustin's birthday (Jan 12th). That's good for me, then I don't have to buy him a present- I"m giving him a "home made" gift! (all he did was donate "the glue" to hold it all together...hehehehehe).

Take care and I hope all is well!! I got a copy of your demo but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. It's on my IPOD so hopefully it will come up in the rotation soon!


Hey Sheri,

Thanks, I really do appreciate that. And believe me, I missed you guys very much too. Bad enough when things go down, but mising that event was salt in the wounds! And yes, things are going much better these days! Thanks again :-)

Hahahahahaha!!!! We keep telling him to write a book, but he tells us he'd rather... :lol:

Congratulations to both of you!!! :Smokin: :Smokin: Yes, it is hard work but it is also very rewarding. lol!! Had to work mangina into the conversation, eh? Wow, Daddy's little girl that can have him wrapped around her finger. That's a beautiful name and I know you two will make excellent parents!! Congrats again! lol!!!! "glue" Hahahahaha!

Thanks, you too. WHAT?!?!?!?!! You mean it wasn't the first thing you did when you got back to your room? Oh, nevermind... ;) Well, I hope you do get to check it out soon. At least this is metal, unlike the acoustic instrumental stuff you heard a couple years back.

Take care!
Dustin said:
....I love it!!!!! :rock:

@Rick: RICK! we missed you in Atlanta man... but I scarffed several of your promo CD's and have ben giving them out to the local metal heads here. :grin:
Hope all is going well!

(holds up right hand) broken safty glass?
(Hold up left hand) .....



Thanks man! As I mentioned to Sheri, I missed all you guys as well. Thanks, I had heard about that and had (admittedly) forgotten that you had a stack. :zombie: It has been a bit crazy.

Seriously, thanks a bunch for doing that. I really do appreciate that! If you ever need the same done out east here, don't hesitate to ask. Perhaps we will even play a show together in the future! You just never know! Thanks, it is!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: