Latest haul :D


\m/ Scanner Scrag \m/
Jun 22, 2008
just trying to make some activity on the board.....

Orange Goblin - Thieving From The House of God
Amorphis - Far From The Sun
Marshall MS-4 :D :D :D pics below of this lil beauty


hahaha they're selling em thru JB HI FI now, its basically a 1 watt guitar amp that runs on a 9volt battery, JB has em for about $80 but i got mine cheaper ;)

I gotta get that Orange Goblin album, I plan on getting a little haul this weekend, gotta spend up before I can't do it anymore, only a few weeks left till settlement
my latest JB haul resulted in an ASUS laptop.

need one for my new position at work and decided to take advantage of a few things from JB.
so, not for portable porn but for work.

but have a hundred gig or so to squeeze other things on as well as a portable HD. :D
Good work. I got an MSI netbook a couple of days ago. I was sick of trying to work of stuff on the computer and being kicked off so the missus could go on fucking Facebook.
Yeah I'm thinking of getting a notebook or something.

get some serious research done and haunt the shops to see what is best for you and your needs.

avoid Harvey Norman and Dick Smith if you want good deals and service.
Never try to Rent Smart or finance either because you always pay back more than you would if you brought it outright and can suffer if you pay off early with some packages.

eePCs are amazing for their size and great if you want something basic and something to transfer it over with (since they don't have internal CD-ROMs and such).
not such how Macbooks are these days but know they are fucking expensive.

ASUS are a good basic brand.
HP sucks. Toshiba don't honour warranties well. Acer are OK but are also lower end bracket.

you'll also have to put up with Vista on any new laptop that you get -which can be a slight pain in the arse to get used to. Especially if you don't like MS much.
and it's next to impossible to roll back the OS's on lappies or put Linux on the newer models without a lot of fuss.

remember, it's a solid investment and best to give it a lot of thought.
I just want something I can do my writing and shit on when I'm commuting or Xena's using the PC.

You would do better with a cassette voice recorder, leather trenchcoat and a 1,000 yard stare for the commute, if you ask me.

Unless you super-definitely need a laptop I think they're more trouble than they're worth.