Latest mix for review

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
This is the first time I've posted a mix of a band other than my own, haha. Smith/01 I See Dead People.mp3

This thing is mastered as well, as I mixed for a while the other day through the Finalizer. Do you guys like the drum sounds? Sometimes I feel like the snare has a little bit too much high frequency fizzle to it. And the guitars I think are pretty good, but I may have squished them a little too much with the limiter...they're a little bit brittle.

liking the drums a lot man! perhaps a bit more lowend on the guitars or something/more bass?! sounds a bit empty down there to me, but i dunno..

sounds very good though, are the guitars 5150?
Yea guitars need a bit of beef to them or maybe a lil more bass guitar down there...

Yea there is a bit of over compression going on i heard. Its pretty apparent at about 1:14 were everything cuts out and just guitars are playing and then when everything kicks back in you hear it. I would just pull guitars down a few db in that part cause the mix actually sounds real good besides needing a little beef.

Your snare sounds freaking great by the way and the kick, shit i could go on all day with things i like but i gave you the negative first. I always love your drum tones though:headbang:
The separation in the mix is very good, and the drums are awesome. However the cymbals/hihats/rides are too low in volume. The guitars are overcompressed and could sound better but overall you have done a good job. :kickass:
The drums are very nice... what sample set was it?

Guitars are a little mid-rangey/harsh for my tastes, & where is the bass guitar?

One more thing: You've got some pumping issues going on with the mix especially during tom fills.... The overall level of the song is kinda all over the place.

A few more tweaks & you should have it. Maybe back the limiter off a touch.

Really loved the drum sound. What drums were they? I don't have anything else to add really, it sounds very mid heavy to me (something I'm often guilty of). Maybe some more end too just to balance out things a bit.

Great job with the tracking too, that often gets overlooked when people put up their mixes!
Thanks a lot for the input, dudes. The whole pumping/overcompression thing I can completely notice now, but after working on it for a few hours that day (right before posting it up here) I don't think I was listening quite as objectively as I should have been at that point. I'm gonna consider all of your input, go tweak the song for a while this afternoon, and then I'll put up an updated version.

A couple answers first-

I have the Finalizer Express

Yes, the guitars are 5150. I actually would agree with OzNimbus that they sound too midrangey for my tastes as well, haha. I think my issue is that I tend to be kind of afraid of not having enough mids in the guitars, so I end up not relying on my ears enough and relying too much on a midrange mindset.

The other thing is the drum samples- they are actually all samples that I recorded at home. The toms are the drummer's (not the best toms I've ever recorded, but certainly usable), as well as the snare, and the kick was from a previous project I recorded.