My latest mix for a college project...


more metal, more booze!!!
Its a cover of a song by a band called Sunna, the song is I Miss

its not too metal, but ive posted a pre production version previously here and got some positive feedback and this is the final version, the metal/rock part is about 2:21 into the tune.

wouldnt mind some feedback from you lot on here as i value your opinions.

Its un mastered (just eq and comp on the master buss) and its the final mix im gnna do on it :rock::kickass: I MISS FINAL.mp3
theres something weird about that acoustic in the beginning... seems way to digital somehow... might be the picking technique... the strumming sounds good...

once the drums kick in everything sounds good up until the part right before the buildup... again with the acoustic guitar... sounds weird... hearing digital artifacts almost...
theres something weird about that acoustic in the beginning... seems way to digital somehow... might be the picking technique... the strumming sounds good...

once the drums kick in everything sounds good up until the part right before the buildup... again with the acoustic guitar... sounds weird... hearing digital artifacts almost...

yer i know what you mean, i think i put to much compression on it, and also a single mic'd gtr track, doubledup with the same track shifted a few ms a part in the other channel! then agen i did used a really shit acoustic guitar and a mic that didnt make it sound too great!
Yes, there is something weird about the acoustic guitars, but once the distorted guitars come in it sounds good. It almost sounds like Anathema!
yer i know what you mean, i think i put to much compression on it, and also a single mic'd gtr track, doubledup with the same track shifted a few ms a part in the other channel! then agen i did used a really shit acoustic guitar and a mic that didnt make it sound too great!

Sounds pretty good, but I feel like the hihats might be panned a little too far to the left? It actually draws my attention to the left of the stereo field (if that makes any sense). Just a thought. Otherwise the mix sounds pretty damn big.