My Best Yet (First time with 6505)

I can only listen with headphones now because my girlfriend is sleeping, but it sounds fucking awesome man.

The drums too.
Sounds exactly like the tone I used to get from my 5150 block letter. Pretty sick dude! Do some editing/cleaning and it'll be pretty killer.

Maybe a bitttt mushy, though?
Yeah I still have a lot to edit and fix up. This was only to test the guitar and bass tones. I am still working on the drums although I really like the snare so far after some processing and verb. I will post a mix with vocals and another reamp with bass and resonance a little lower as soon as I get the time.
I agree with Charlie, the guitars are a bit mushy. I think the rest of your mix is stronger than the guitars. I would go for a bit more presence. Why don't you tell us what you're doing with it?
I can't remember the settings. Everything was pretty much thrown together and i knew what I was going for from the start so it did not take me long to get a tone i liked. I used a 57 on my mesa oversized into my profire. very minimal processing in pro tools. i think like a hp/lp and a small boost at 2.5k.
I can hear the repeat of the riff two times in? like a cut and paste?

it sounds pretty good apart from that, maybe a little bit more 5k on the guitars, that's about it, the cymbals seem to be pumping a little too, and a little too shiny in sound.

Cool song though
Yeah i'm definately hearing a cut the 2nd time the intro riff comes in. I think the guitartone is a little muddy still and can get more presence. Guitars are a little soft too in my opinion, the rest is overpowering them slightly. I think the kick is awesome, but it sounds way too boomy, Cut some 60hz or be a little more gentle with your lower frequencies. Furthermore i think you did a stellar job, i'm only nitpicking here :)