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Sounds great man; the snare might be a tad on the thin side (and perhaps even a little lo-fi sounding, though that could just by my ears screwing with me, hard to tell with a half-time groove). Guitars sound great, maybe a tad too nasally at 2k, but only very slightly! And I dig the kick; is that a stock S2.0 one? Didn't think it could sound that, well, metal! :D (cuz there's only so much you can do with processing IMO)

See if this is more to your liking Marcus! :p

Actually, A/B'ing them, I kinda prefer the guitars in the first clip tbh; maybe a 2db cut at around 2k is all they need to be spot-on IMO! However, I'm thinking the snare sounds fuller/better in the second one, though it could just be in contrast to the different guitars. Also, I just noticed, the toms sound good, though there's a bit too much "tick tick" attack in there, so I'd tame that a bit. Overall sweet though!