Latest Mix -- Witcher (Pray for Me)


Storm Trooper
Sep 19, 2011
Zanesville, OH
This is definitely my best mix yet! But going forward, what do you guys think could be tweaked?

Guitars - Amplitube (5150)
Bass - Squier Jazz into Sansamp
Drums - All programmed w/ Slate Samples

Any help is appreciated!
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The drum fills are too fake (and maybe the whole drums too!) - experiment with some velocity and timing to make it more realistic.
You could also use some saturation etc. to make the drums punchier and more glued together.

Also the guitars are too loud and thus overpowering the mix a bit, but nothing too drastic.
The bass could be a tad louder! Vocals sound actually quite good - maybe subtle tweaking to make them more in-your-face. ;)

I like the slowing down effects this song has! :)
Thanks!!! I definitely need to practice with programmed drums. After giving it a break and listening again, I thought the bass could have been brought up as well.

Thanks for the advice!!