Latest Work

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK

Latest work I did, this is the case where I think that something went wrong in mastering... It sounds like it was squashed with a L2... I always do faux masters on all my mixes to make sure everything holds up, granted the snare wasnt as loud as it probably should've been, but in all the tests I did it never disappeared like on the final master... there's literally no drums, everything is so squashed it almost hurts my brain listening to this now :(

This is not the best mix I could've done, granted there were a few underlying problems and tight deadlines, but I do feel like the mastering completely destroyed it, it's like the whole mix just went through one of those industrial fabric compressors. This was Mastered by Jacob Hansen, I'm in NO way bashing his work, I've always enjoyed his previous output, mainly the Raunchy stuff just feel it didn't work out so well on this one, don't know if it was a budget thing as well or not!

Btw, I dont know WHY it doesn't embed, I just paste every single link, be it the URL bar one or the Share one, it just doesn't embed?!?!

Oh, it embeds now!
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I don't really like the music (not that it's especially bad but overall it is way too generic and uninspired to me), but I think the production is as good or probably even better than others in this genre.
Somehow the squashed mastering job is "standard" for this kind of music / sound.. which doesn't mean I like the master but it's not making it unlistenable imho.

Will you mix the next Evarose release again? :)
I like how everyone in the band has earphones in to hear the song while they shoot the video. but i guess it would be hard to get a sound system out there and power it so they can hear the track lol.

Yep! Looks really amateur cause of that LOL

@Max: Nope, they went with Ben from Outhouse, heard the new EP, not sure what to think, I'll let you be the judge when it comes out lol :p