Lawers Vs Metal


was 'ere
Aug 22, 2001
:mad: You know what pisses me off? People who sue for the most minor of fucking problems (hey - take responsibility for your actions, fools!). All this litigation has led to the death of the biggest metal event in Australia. We get fuck-all good bands touring here from O.S (we supported Nevermore when they toured here - top work, guys!) & are lucky enough to have an annual metal festival which brings bands from all over the country (fans too) & from overseas... A quick run-down for y'all:

For the past 11 years Australia's elite heavy bands have donated their time & energy into supporting the National Brain Injury foundation & the Alex Hurley Trust via the annual "Metal For The Brain" charity event in Canberra.
This years' event has been cancelled due to public liability insurers being unwilling to cover the event. In the time this charity event has been running there has been no (zero) insurance claims resulting from personal injury. None. This is a drug-free event which raises thousands upon thousands of dollars each year for a very worthy cause - there is no violence, only comeraderie. Ironically this event started as a result of insurance companies refusing to pay compensation to a victim of senseless violence outside a hotel. His friends in local (A.C.T) metal bands began this annual festival to raise money for him, as he is now permanently wheelchair bound & dependant on carers 24hrs per day!!!
It never ceases to amaze how very obviously drug related events such as 'rave parties' are easily covered by insurers, though when the words "Heavy Metal" are used these same insurers run a mile! It is an abomination that such a well respected, well attended & well behaved event such as Metal For The Brain should be cancelled for fear of litigation. The organisers of this event spend the better part of a year devoted to organising it (which for the past 3 years has attracted international bands & recognition) all for a good cause!


Has this shit started happening where *you* are yet? To what extent!? :(
Sorry dude - I'm so pissed about this I'm putting it in a few select U.M boards too. Yeah - I guess Ozzfest counts!

There's an annual thing here called "The Big Day Out" with various bands like Foo Fighters, Rammstein, Tea Party & a heap of other international bands, plus heaps of local ones. Someone was killed at that gig last year - do you think they get insurance? YES! Because the word "Metal" isn't used to describe the event! :mad:
Dakk is right!
Metal For The Brain is the single greatest event on the Australian music scene and its been FUCKED UP by stupid wanker cunts who go out and sue everybody for the slightest stubbed toe and we Australian metalheads are the ones paying for it!:mad:
But, to enforce Dakk's point about discrimiantion against METAL, Australian Big Day Out can get insurence, even after Limp Bizkit (or however ya'll fuckin' spells it) had a hand in getting a fifteen year old girl crushed & killed in the mosh, becuase they are sponsed by huge international record companies!
Now if Metal For The Brain, or even Ozz Fest, got that kind of support from the industry that we, as music fans, give so much to we'd never be havin' this discussion!
And to further piss of The Pimp, I's was just listenin' to the radio and heard some stupid fuckn' bitch in Sydney, Australia, got 30,000 dollars for tripping over a manhole cover and breaking her ankle! How fuckin' sick it that?! Even if it was partly the council's fault, no fucker is entitled to 30 grand for a fuckin' broken ankle! I's mean, Alec Hurley (who MFTB for created for) ain't got shit after twelve years of being confinded to a wheel chair. Even the Brain Injury gets shit all from the government or insurence companies and those guys do a lot for the community (they's even helped out after my brother was involved in a serious car accident back in '99 that left him with some brain damge).
Australian Metalheads take responsablity for their actions. we don't sue. So why can't we get insurance, motherfucker?!
Oh well. Shit happens!
The Pimp just need to get that off his chest!
The Pimp NeonBlack:headbang: :devil: :wave: