Lawyers Vs Metal

Originally posted by Nugent Goes AOL
All bow down to the seasoned veteran. :rolleyes:

Thousands, eh? That would imply at least 2,000...which means, oh, a metal show every other day for 11 or 12 years straight? Didn't know Australia had such a nice scene.

And yes, I think he means "real" metal...damn, I saw a serious fight at a Nile show just one month ago. Maybe you're the one not going to "real" metal gigs...:lol:

Who should be rolling eyes here? You obviously didn't get the deliberate exaggeration intended to show a large amount of gigs attended in my lifetime nor the understanding that some people here in Australia consider Blink 182 'metal'. :p Note the joke about Guns 'N' Roses? I guess not. :rolleyes: