Layne Staley is dead...

thank you requiem - just the response i was looking for... might i add, pzy, that the man is fucking DEAD. regardless of your opinion of his music, it's generally considered impolite to talk shit about dead people.
im sorry for disturbing you all :)

but what i meant was : everyday thousands of people, mainly children die. they STARVE and dont die by themselfs. so i really dont care about those weird people who do this by using drugs.
if they suffer under depressions or such stuff and commit suicide its ok. but i hate this fucking simulated condolense if there are other people who do nothing and die anyway cause they even dont got the possibilities to change something.

so i stay here ................


Live by the sword die by the sword. Impolite or not, I hope someone may wake up out of their high enogh to realize that one day they really will get sao high they won't ever coem down. Or wake up. RIP
but what i meant was : everyday thousands of people, mainly children die. they STARVE and dont die by themselfs. so i really dont care about those weird people who do this by using drugs.

Why do you even bother posting to this thread with your heartless posts..

Originally posted by pzy
im sorry for disturbing you all :)

but what i meant was : everyday thousands of people, mainly children die. they STARVE and dont die by themselfs. so i really dont care about those weird people who do this by using drugs.
if they suffer under depressions or such stuff and commit suicide its ok. but i hate this fucking simulated condolense if there are other people who do nothing and die anyway cause they even dont got the possibilities to change something.

so i stay here ................



Look, I partially agree with you, but then again, I do not. I am sorry that Layne Stanley died. I don't think we are able to be the judges of his life, & say if he did throw his life away or not. Sure, he did use drugs, but are we in any position to judge HIM & HIS PERSONA to say that he threw his life away? Perhaps he suffered from so much pain or depression that he used them as an escape method. What I am trying to say, we are not in the position to judge.

But sometimes I do become discouraged when someone famous dies, & everyone pays attention to that, yet they don't ever seem to really care about all of the "little people" in our society who die daily.

Why I mourn Layne Stanley's death was because his music is nostalgic to me. It reminds me of my youth, something that I barely remember anymore. Also I am sad at the loss of human life, as I try to remember that human life is filled with misery & death.