Lead guitarist wanted


Riff Worshipper
Jul 25, 2003
London Taaaaan.
Signed touring band need lead guitarist

Us: London based metal band, often compared with King Crimson, Kyuss, Soundgarden, Voivod etc., but play whatever feels good. Signed to independent label, regularly touring Europe. Current lead guitarist is leaving after latest tour, due to life commitments. Second album currently being written. European & US tours planned for late 2006.

You: No restrictions. The right guitarist will be the right guitarist. Ability to use (or learn) ebow & odd timings! Own equipment almost as essential as a good vibe. We welcome guitarists who are already in other bands - the rest of us have at least one other project on the go.

Wanna know any more? Check us out at http://www.eolb.com or email info@eolb.com

Cheers n beers.