these are the first videos of the concert 07/01 in patras greece
the gig was great
i will upload the other videos later
chck them out
leafblade live part one YouTube - Leafblade live in patras-Greece part 1
leafblade part two YouTube - leafblade live in patras_Greece part 2
and Danny gets mad
YouTube - danny gets mad!live in patras - greece
this video has a little proble i dont know why but the sound and the moves are not in the same time... maybe an uploading error...
anyway the other videos coming soon
the gig was great

i will upload the other videos later

leafblade live part one YouTube - Leafblade live in patras-Greece part 1
leafblade part two YouTube - leafblade live in patras_Greece part 2
and Danny gets mad

this video has a little proble i dont know why but the sound and the moves are not in the same time... maybe an uploading error...
anyway the other videos coming soon