Learning material


Apr 17, 2009
It's quite daunting trying to find what to do to try and improve production skills so I've come here to ask if anyone has any good learning material preferably practical for production in general?

Mostly I just try and practice by laying down some tracks and trying to make them sound good but I feel like I'm getting nowhere as every time I do they don't seem much better in fact it seems like I get worse. I'm never happy with any guitar sound or drum sound I get and I've heard some peoples mixes on here where they got an awesome guitar sound with just an amp and cab and little more than that.

I don't expect to be producing anything amazing anytime soon but it would be nice to be able to slowly learn and improve on what I'm doing. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be grateful. Thanks
You're already in the right direction. This place is full if info on everything you need to know. Just pick a starting subject and search around and read read read.
Thanks will do. I must be going blind as I've literally only just found the search feature he I was looking for ages lol