Leather jackets

Can anyone tell me where I can find some nice leather jackets? Like the ones Roope is using. I'm having a hard time finding them here in Norway, so I guess I'll have to order it from abroad.


Some examples:
http://www.truemetal.org/metal-heart/cob2003.jpg (Alexi & Jaska)

NOT like this, its just fucking queer-looking:
You better fit with one. Don't be like the punks around here in Trondheim.

Giant leather jacket + superthin feet.

Looks like someone stuck a tank on a flagpole. its fucking retarded
You better fit with one. Don't be like the punks around here in Trondheim.

Giant leather jacket + superthin feet.

Looks like someone stuck a tank on a flagpole. its fucking retarded


I know someone who always wears a fucking huge hoodie but he's practically anorexic, he looks like a total douche.