leaving for Göteborg

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Yeah bitches, in like 5 minutes I'm leaving för göteborg (gothenburg for all you infidels) and thus the Metaltown festival this weekend. There I will see childhood classics such as Slipknot, along with more recent fetishes like Meshuggah and Opeth. Also there is Pain and Bodom which I might check out for fun, but I've seen em both like 3 times before.

Purely for the lulz I shall also witness Trivium and Dragonforce. That's gonna be fun. I shall try to keep my shitfaced self from screaming "A MAJOR SEVEEEEN" in between songs.

There is also like 3 japanese bands playing. I don't know what's up with that.

SO I'll see all yall bitches in about a week. PEACE
Inget Metaltown? :(

Nej :( men jag tänkte trösta mig med en sån här på vägen hem :
Im remember playing at a club in Goteburg years ago.... I think it was called valvet or something...??
I fucking adore the area of Göatseborg that's called Angered. Best name ever.

I also got challenged to a 3am Rap battle by a group of Asian guys there while i was drunk as fuck waiting for a Tram that came 3ish hours earlier! :lol:!
Yeah, Göatseborg was wicked. The rest of Sweden seemed to be a little quiet.... Stockholm wasnt to bad but I got good memories of Göatseborg :kickass: