Legendary edition of Progpower Europe


Promoted to Hannibal
Nov 14, 2007
Bovenkarspel, Netherlands
Don't know if you guys care, but I'm so excited I have to get it off my chest :)

Shadow Gallery and Jon Oliva's Pain will be headlining the saturday and sunday of Progpower Europe 2010!
The friday will be headlined by Serenity, from Austria (who are awesome too!)

Other names on the bill:
Leprous, Darkwater, Myrath, Xerath, proghma-c, Oceans of Sadness, Aspera, The Dust Connection, Sacrum, and three more to be announced!

If you want to come on over, get your package deal tickets fast, cos I have a feeling they'll sell out fast!
Can't make it? There's a load of guys I know from Progulus Radio from the UK going, perhaps you could hitch a ride? It'd be well worth it!

I personally still think Progpower is the single most awesome festival in the world. And when I say Progpower, I mean the European version, not the american one :P
They're all well worth getting to know, Steve :) I think that's one of the best bits about PPEU, the amount of new bands you get to know when you go to the festival. René always manages to surprise everyone, each year. And usually most of the band members stay the entire weekend at the castle, where most of the festival attendees stay as well, and party with us :)
Yeah, it's definitely one of those events that I would like to visit one day. I think already time is too short for me this year. I was working out spare time/time off and I think it's all accounted for up until April 2011 at the moment!