Lemme tell you a story about several hours without power


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Last night it snowed a mighty snow, after 3 days of being 50+ degrees. A car crashed into a power line pole, knocking out the wonderful convenience we know as "power".

After the first half an hour I called the power company and was told of this wonderful information. At this point, with only a cheap Bic lighter for a light source, I find my wind up turntable, and begin playing some Vinyl. Note to all Vinyl haters: Show me a wind up CD player for long nights without power...

A note about the next few hours: Burzum's Det Som Engang Var is 10 times better when played in the dead silence of a powerless house, with a nice glass of red wine, on an awful wind-up powered sound.

3 and a half plays and a bottle of wine later, the room went silent. The needle had broke somehow.

I looked everywhere with the little light I had to find another needle, but couldn't.

Moral of the story: Always keep extra needles by your fucking player.
I had the choice of wine or whiskey. Those who have seen me drinking whiskey (there are a couple who browse here, I believe) would know why I chose the wine.
And I don't believe anyone in my house hold got pregnant. We have one lady on menopause, an old man with dead sperm, a sister who's pretty much a dyke, and me who tiddles his own trumpet.