ROADTRIPPING as well - 48 hours without sleep and still going...

Occam's Razor

Andreas - LotFP
Feb 19, 2002
Ste-Adèle, Quebec
Is this telepathy, Jim? - I wanted to do something like that as well...Anyway, as I still can't sleep, here's my own diary starting yesterday evening at 6 (awake for 13 hours then):

Driving with a friend's little brother to Trier - a one-hour-ride up- and downhill to see Sadus, Gory Blister and Darkane for 14,90 euros - comparatively cheap, this is.

Arriving at the venue at about 7. Listening to Sodom's new album through some people's broken car stereo. I've heard worse German thrash...
Too bad there's two additional local openers. Torment Of Souls are a death metal band like you probably find them in every town with electricity. I did not understand the name of the second band, nor did I the lyrics of a "Heartwork"-cover. Too bad that today's children of Lindberg don't know anything about expressive vocals...remembering the qualities of Jeff Walker's nasty vocal delivery. This band's bass-player looked like the one guy in Bad Brains - don't ask me which one...

Gory Blister are an instrumental trio plus inflexible vocalist. But boy, what a performance: Screaming his lungs out of his bared chest, showing his athletic and fully-tattooed back, frequently jumping into the audience. Insane guitarist, interesting songs suffering from the shitty sound the Ex-Haus is notorious for.

Darkane claim to play modern metal, but they are like spandex: tight, yet without pocket. Really, I was about to fall asleep at some point - good musicians though, and Wildoer is wasting his talent with vain tries at stitching together a brutal patchwork of riffs and screaming...damn, are these backing vocals off-key - and this coming from a country that put a lot of melody into death metal. Actually, all I remember from Darkane's set (apart from its tiresome length) was the introductory remark "We're from Sweden" - maybe that's all you need to get signed by Nuke Blast...

Sadus played a longer show than when I saw them in Holland in 2003 and put a strong focus on their new output. I missed "Aggression" but hardly anything else. What I know now is that Steve DiGiorgio likes the f-word very much, and that people stagediving when there is only one frontrow with a lot of emtpy space and a circle pit behind are not very smart; the floor was concrete...

Driving Home, tired from at least 3 bands too many and a friend's talk about Sadus-Darren being arrogant because he didn't recognize me anymore...not that he should know me from a cold night three years ago in front of the venue in Bladel, where I had to ask him questions my friend could not translate into English. I coulnd't care less - Will I be a better person if a musician who sees a lot of insignificant faces on his tours remembers mine?

Almost killed a hare and a fox on the road home.

Home at 2 in the morning - no sleep and freezing till 5. Starting preparations at 6 for a 50th wedding anniversary party in our pub. Jumping out of the shower right behind the counter, being a nice and friendly attendant to fulfill about 50 mostly old people's wishes at eating and drinking.

6 pm: 48 hours + without sleep, probably won't go to bed until 10. You are well advised to always take some hours of sleep between the metal and real life.