Who listens to music whilst going to sleep?


Doom as fvck
Jan 23, 2006
South England
I do, for one. It gets kinda freaky depending on how tired you are, and if you doze off, as I have often found by being awoken from a light sleep by a bloody loud noise that soon turns out to be little more than Opeth or Cathedral blaring in my ears.. I guess that having nothing else to concentrate on lets me enjoy the music more than I usually would too, yet it also can help to get me to sleep in the first place.

I'm an odd fellow.
i used to listen to Anonymous 4's first recording of Hildegard von Bingen's music to get me to sleep
I love falling asleep to music, but it's almost never metal when I do. I usually fall asleep to classical or some soft rock, like Clapton Unplugged or something. I wake up to metal, because it gives me a jolt and slaps me in the face. Waking up to the likes of "As He Creates, So He Destroys" by Nile or "Bleak" by Opeth is the best thing for the start of a new day, as it makes me, makes me get up and turn the stereo down so that my head doesn't explode when I get up at 7am.
The BM I play while I'm off heading to sleep continues playing till I wake up (I queue up the whole discography). I actually feel refreshed and energised in the morning.

I do it a lot now in college. And it can be as loud as death metal if I'm in the mood. Usually I just play 1 album so I can still wake up when my alarm goes off in the morning.
I used to more often, but now I only do it with newly acquired albums, and I usually don't fall asleep when listening because I'm wearing headphones on very high volume. I listened to Behemoth - Sventevith last night while in bed.
I do this from time to time. I also have my alarm set to play Slaves Shall Serve every morning. Gets me out of bed damn quick.
I wish I could do that, but I don't think my roommate would appreciate it. It's bad enough for him I get up 1-2 hours before he does and has to hear the standard alarm noise
When I'm at home I usually have the local classical station playing on low volume when I go to bed. Can't get that here, bad reception.
I listen to instrumental metal when I go to sleep, such as pelican, and oddities from various bands (call of ktulu, as he creates, so he destroys (instrumental), and whatever else is nice and heavy but minimal on vocals) Screaming vocals keep me awake, oddly enough ^ ^

I generally wake up to tech death. Nothing like a blast of decapitated to get you up in the morning.
I always listen to music when I go to sleep, not usually blasting death or black metal though. Usually dark ambient, shoegaze, neofolk or some atmospheric metal.
I do it a lot now in college. And it can be as loud as death metal if I'm in the mood. Usually I just play 1 album so I can still wake up when my alarm goes off in the morning.
Cool, if it's too loud here on of the RA's will randomly knock on my door and tell me to turn it down or off. I've tried listening to music going to sleep, but it made me more awake.
I used to listen to music whilst going to sleep, but nowadays i am listening to music before i go to bed.