Who listens to music whilst going to sleep?

How tolerable are all of us in terms of visual input? While total darkness is nice, I can usually get to sleep pretty easily when there are lights on in the room (like the glow from my roommate's computer or my TV). That and we never close the blinds, well we can't because they're broken and won't deploy.
I need total darkness and complete silence to be able to fall asleep (unless, of course, I'm wasted, but I don't drink that much anymore). I've always had a certain degree of trouble falling asleep, though.
How about falling asleep with someone else in your bed? I usually cannot fall asleep at all in such circumstances, unless I've been dating the chick for a while, and eventually it gets a bit better. This is just another reason why I hate it when the pest I mentioned in another thread says she wants to crash at my place. haha
I need some darkness to fall asleep. If I'm really tired any light won't keep me from falling asleep.
I used to need a cat on my bed to fall asleep, up until a few years ago. My cat still sleeps on my bed when I'm home for vacations.
I used to a ton. I do turn on a lot of drone before I sleep now. Lately I have been listening to Grass By Animal Collective before I go to sleep. Puts me in a good mood before I doze off.
I can fall asleep in different situations (long car ride, sitting and waiting for a long time, etc) but when I go to bed at night, I prefer complete darkness.
every night, stuff like summoning, or funeral doom bands help me fall asleep.

lol was half way asleep while listenng to the first part of under the sun by ahab, and if anyone here has heard it before i nearly had a heart attack when it got louder lol
I remember the first times listening to Minas Morgul and Stronghold, both times while lying in bed at night with headphones on high. Amazing.
When I went to sleep last night, I was so very very very very rediculously stoned, and my roommate and I forgot to shut off the alarm on our iPod stereo. I woke up to Marilyn Manson's "Antichrist Superstar" album, but it was that track that's nothing but noise and talking, all that weird, atmospheric shit, and when I woke up at 9 (went to bed at 4), I was still stoned enough that I didn't know what the fuck was going on, and it made me trip out so fuckin' hard...

I now hate Marilyn Manson.
I sometimes fall asleep to bands like Burzum or Agalloch but it really depends on my mood.

I prefer to have total darkness when sleeping but I can easily fall asleep with a light on.
I listen to music on headphones often, I have fallen asleep but its from exhaustion not from the music. The only other way I listen to music is on a car stereo, or home stereo system cranked very very loud. I can't stand listening on computers, I think it degrades the music quality. I prefer the kick, punch, and power of the stereo it does metal music justice.