Who listens to music whilst going to sleep?


depends. sometimes alcohol can be better, but drugs are always interesting and varied.
for instance, a couple of months ago when I did shrooms I thought I was sugar-coated for an hour or so. :Smokin:
My nightly ritual usually consists of at least an hour of music, but I always end up falling asleep in the middle of an album. Raw black metal usually keeps me awake, though, and often provides very vivid experiences. A long while ago, I listened to De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas in the middle of the night and, in my half-conscious awareness, thought I was demon-possessed.

Another interesting experience had me pitted against an enormous spider while listening to Gorgoroth's Antichrist. I couldn't get back to sleep for nearly half an hour because I feared of poison.

I'm such a wimp.
are backwards lyrics in songs bad? like a form of subliminal messaging or somthin

only reason i ask is cus ive fallen asleep listenin to funeral mist's salvation and noticed they have lyrics written backwards in it.
I listen to metal pretty loud on my headphones pretty much anytime I'm at my computer, so by the time I want to go to sleep I'm usually too burnt out to listen to another album.
song ive really liked listening to before i sleep recently is curse life by shape of despair
I usually put on Into Eternity's Buried in Oblivion, but I found out that it only works for a limited amount of time. As in, I'll fall asleep by the third song and wake up in the middle of the last.

Morbid Angel and Slayer really put me to sleep,though.
I listened to Countess - Blazing Flames Of War last night, and then put on Countess - The Gospel Of The Horned One after it. The Gospel Of The Horned One is simultaneously one of the most horrible pieces of shit ever recorded and one of the most brilliant and savagely beautiful albums I've ever heard. The production is abysmal and suffers from volume imbalances, especially in the earlier songs. The musicianship is atrocious, especially the drums; it seems as though he doesn't know what to do unless he's playing rapidly. Yet when you get past this (and I'm sure most won't even care enough to do so, let alone be able to), there is an underlying beauty in the raw primitivism of the droning guitar phrases and the atmospheric interludes that begin each song that envelopes the dedicated listener in a primordial, romantic beauty. This certainly isn't an album that can be easily appreciated.
Maybe. Why do you glorify such horrible sound production? I mean, I enjoy Mayhems "Pure Fucking Armageddon" demo but not so much to jizz on it.
I didn't glorify any production. Now stop talking because you're diminishing the glory of my post.
Thanks for using words I don't understand. :) "Dimnishing" is a new word I learned today. :lol: Sorry to decrease the glory of your post. :)