Who listens to music whilst going to sleep?

When I went to sleep last night, I was so very very very very rediculously stoned, and my roommate and I forgot to shut off the alarm on our iPod stereo. I woke up to Marilyn Manson's "Antichrist Superstar" album, but it was that track that's nothing but noise and talking, all that weird, atmospheric shit, and when I woke up at 9 (went to bed at 4), I was still stoned enough that I didn't know what the fuck was going on, and it made me trip out so fuckin' hard...

I now hate Marilyn Manson.

hey at least you realized hes an idiot.
When I went to sleep last night, I was so very very very very rediculously stoned, and my roommate and I forgot to shut off the alarm on our iPod stereo. I woke up to Marilyn Manson's "Antichrist Superstar" album, but it was that track that's nothing but noise and talking, all that weird, atmospheric shit, and when I woke up at 9 (went to bed at 4), I was still stoned enough that I didn't know what the fuck was going on, and it made me trip out so fuckin' hard...

I now hate Marilyn Manson.

Try leaving 10000 Days (by Tool) playing next time.

I love that last track so hard. It scared the living shit out of me one night when I was very tired and it woke me up.
I tried once. I put on The Wall by Pink Floyd. I fell asleep in the middle of The Trial, so you can imagine I had some fucked up dreams.
When I went to bed this morning (2 AM) I started listening to Requiem - Mezzo Forte by Virgin Black, but fell asleep before it was over.
I've been listening to music in bed for a while now. These days it's usually either classical or really light instrumental rock (i.e. Grateful Dead, Soft Machine, Mahogany Rush), though sometimes I'll put on some stoner/atmospheric metal, or maybe some light electronic ambient/trance.

I do this from time to time. I also have my alarm set to play Slaves Shall Serve every morning. Gets me out of bed damn quick.

So, do you usually make it to the snooze button before the instruments come on, or is that the part you actually wake up by? I know if I were in that situation, I'd be like, "oh god please get to the alarm before the blasting starts..."

I have never been able to fall asleep in a moving vehicle, whether it goes by land, sea or air.

Wow, that's kinda weird. You sure you've been in a moving vehicle for long enough at a time?

I need complete darkness to fall asleep, which is why I cover my head completely beneath my comforter. I also think I have Nec's insomnia disease, because it has always taken my a long time to fall asleep.

That's why I started listening to music at night.

I tried once. I put on The Wall by Pink Floyd. I fell asleep in the middle of The Trial, so you can imagine I had some fucked up dreams.

There's no way I could ever fall asleep to an album that emotionally intense.
I always sleep with music. Iron Maiden is particulary good for helping me sleep, as are folk metal band for some strange reason. I find that anything helps me to relax. It odd, because I've gotten to the point that wihoug music I can't get ANY sleep at all, and I can normally fall asleep anywhere.
I've fallen completely asleep listening to cannibal corpse on several occassions, and the results are bizzare dreams. I usually listen to Gospel of the Horns, Desaster or Slayer before going to sleep, and sometimes Electric Wizard or Black Sabbath.
For the past week I have gone to sleep listening to Kataklysm. I have had a dream each night that maggots were eating my left leg. Whether it was because ot the music, or the fact that my fractured back is sending nerve twinges down my leg, I have no idea.
For the past week I have gone to sleep listening to Kataklysm. I have had a dream each night that maggots were eating my left leg. Whether it was because ot the music, or the fact that my fractured back is sending nerve twinges down my leg, I have no idea.

Most likely the latter. Whenever one of my extremities falls asleep it usually feels like something's crawling all over it.
I hope tha doesn't mean I going to have maggot dream for months. They looked pretty cool eating me though I must admit.
Maybe I should try listening to Britney Spears and see if I start vomiting in my sleep.
I'm surprisingly not the type that can listen to music in my sleep, not even the calmest kind. I sleep with a fan on, or something that makes that kind of noise. Anything else is distracting to me and I find myself listening to it rather than sleeping.