Who listens to music whilst going to sleep?

I listen to radio static and play with my oujji board.

I generally listen to doom/death. Shape of Despair-illusions play is perfect when just laying in the dark trying to go to bed and same with Evoken. I have my cds rotate so if waking up music is on and sometimes music is even cooler when you are not sleeping, but just in a weird state after waking up.

old Anathema
WeAreInFlames said:
I tried once. I put on The Wall by Pink Floyd. I fell asleep in the middle of The Trial, so you can imagine I had some fucked up dreams.

There's no way I could ever fall asleep to an album that emotionally intense, unless I were high or something.

That album is about 300 times as awesome when you're stoned off your face. Comfortably Numb trips me out every time.
Getting stoned and writing random shit all over the intarwebs is strangely satisfying. Though not as good as listening to really shitty grindcore really loud with a strobe-light and blacklight. (I have both in my room. My parents disapprove for some reason)

I made the mistake of watching the Meshuggah 'Shed' video when stoned a few weeks back just before going to sleep, and had really bad nightmares for the entire night. Strangely, heavier and wierder stuff doesn't affect my dreams at all. Guess it was just the video.