Who listens to music whilst going to sleep?

I thought you were snoring loudly while sleeping... I doubt your old roomate would consider that complete silence. :p

Okay well, OTHER people don't sleep in complete silence when I snore, but meh.

See, I was snoring loudly then, but I don't know how often I do it now. I assume every night since I'm tired every day, but I don't know
I almost always listen to music when I go to sleep. Last night was Havehoj - Dethrone The Son Of God.
Well last night, yes, since I went to sleep really late. I think I fell asleep during the second song. But I have insomnia, so I'm normally awake in bed for an hour or 3 regardless of whether or not I'm listening to music.
Unless I'm dead tired I almost always listen to music going to sleep. Most times it's black metal of some sort or classical.

Eluvium is great going to sleep music as well.
hardly ever. usually what happens is I concentrate on the music too much to fall asleep. its a distraction.
Well last night, yes, since I went to sleep really late. I think I fell asleep during the second song. But I have insomnia, so I'm normally awake in bed for an hour or 3 regardless of whether or not I'm listening to music.

do you take medication for that?
I usually try to listen through an album before bed. I find it the best time focus completely on the music. Although, lately I've been so busy with school that I haven't had the chance to sit through an entire album.