Leonid METEOR STORMS November 18th!!!


May 15, 2001
Although certain parts of the world are favored for intense activity this year, Cooke encourages people everywhere to watch the sky on Nov. 18th.

Observers in North America, Hawaii, Australia and Asian countries along the Pacific Rim will be favored for the best views of the 2001 Leonids. Meteor rates in those places could climb as high as 8000 per hour.

Leonid meteor storms happen when Earth passes through clouds of dusty debris shed by comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle when it comes close to the Sun every 33 years. This year our planet is heading for close encounters with four such clouds. They bubbled off Tempel-Tuttle in 1699, 1766, 1799 and 1866.

"what's coming on Nov. 18th could be the biggest event since 1966 [when North Americans enjoyed a Leonid storm numbering 100,000 shooting stars per hour]."

Jaw-dropping Leonids

I am soooo EXCITED! Yes...a pre planned day off work enables Jo's entire night to be spent outside under the stars (disc player fully charged, ready for repeat plays of Opeth) I have my spot far away on a hill under an old fire watchtower! 8 more sleeps! Woohoo...
Lucky bitch! :D

That's awesome. I wish I had that opportunity (the stars in my part of the world are drowned out by ambient light :( ) I like star gazing in my more tender moods :) and I've only seen a shooting star once one night during Halloween a couple years back.

I remember getting up at 3 in the morning for one of these things a couple of years ago. There I was in the middle of the street in my jammies, looking up at the sky... and did I see anything? No! Not sure if I'll give it another go this time round.

I've seen two meteors/shooting stars/whateveryouwanttocallem before: one at about 7:30 in the morning while I was walking to the bus - I actually took my sunglasses off in amazement, like Sam Neill probably did in Jurassic Park - and at about 2 in the morning at Uluru (Ayers Rock) in the Northern Territory in August. I was so excited I told a few people the next day, and they all replied that they had seen quite a few over the last few nights. They really knew how to throw a dampener on my excitement!
"The worst site is Tasmania, where it is unlikely that anyone will see anything."

well fuck

AND its 100% overcast

im very not happy!!! :(
It is the same the last fucking years. First I was very excited about hearing that there will be a meteor-storm on November 18th. It is my birthday and so this seems to be a very special present for me. Problem is, that November 18th in Germany often correlates with the first snowfall of the year. So the only thing you can see at night is some snow and clouds. This sucks... Well my birthday don´t suck and so it is a special day indeed, with or without this mysterious particels colliding with our atmosphere... :)))))))))))))))))))

Son of a!!!!!

I missed this thing.

This thoroughly dissappoints me, I must say. I LIVE for moments like this. Oh well! I guess I will have to wait 10-30 (?) years for it to happen again.
Around 5 am I went out to have a look.. the skies spontaneously cleared, and I saw 2 or 3 meteors as bright as the moon, and about 50 more that were somewhat dimmer..

was pretty damn cool, but I wish I could have just laid outside all night.. damn lights in the city.
i threw together what became known as the "meteor shower power metal party!"
some friends and i went out in a field in the back woods, got a fifth of rum and made a night of it! i tried to take some pictures but i dont know if any will turn out-that timed exposure shit is tricky!

but we saw lots of comets, and i made lots of wishes :)

(and you better believe that one was for this double opeth cd thing to happen!!! :p)
I told myself I was going to stay up and go see this. I was figuring I would just go out on my balcony and look at them from there. I wouldn't have been able to see them very well in the direction it was facing. So, I was gonna go lay on a bench outside my apartment building. I actually stayed up late enough, but I was too lazy and tired to go outside and see them. So, I missed out on this. :( Oh well...maybe next time. :lol: