Leonid METEOR STORMS November 18th!!!

From where I was there was 2 or 3 a minute, never really any more. One was bright enough to light up the whole sky, but only that one.

It was a cold November night here, though. I froze my fucking nipples off! And, I had to work the next day...

I pointed my camera at the sky and did a few 30 sec exposures, we'll see if anything turns out.
Explosions on the moon

During the 2001 Leonid meteor storm, astronomers observed a curious flash on the Moon -- a telltale sign of meteoroids hitting the lunar surface and exploding.

November 30, 2001: Vivid, colorful streaks of light. A ghostly flash. Strange crackling noises and twisting smoky trails...all the ingredients for a delightful meteor shower ... on Earth.

The recent Leonids were a good example. On Nov. 18th our planet plunged into a debris cloud shed by comet Tempel-Tuttle. Sky watchers saw thousands of meteors -- each streak of light a tiny bit of comet dust disintegrating in the atmosphere.

A quarter of a million miles away, another Leonid shower was happening. But the recipe was different: Blinding flashes of light. Flying debris and molten rock. Sizzling craters. That's what the Leonids were like ... on the Moon. :cool:
"Today Earth is entering the outskirts of a dusty debris cloud shed by a mysterious object named 3200 Phaethon.
It's the beginning of the annual Geminid meteor shower , which peaks this year on Dec. 13th and 14th!"