Let Me Know How "REFUSE" Plays

you need streambox, down on the forum page a dude posted the apps for free... simply set streambox to t1 connection, and it will get the maximum file size, being nearly cd quality. you can also play it from your hardisk
Sounds great... I had some problems for the second time...maybe another stream. But it's very volume8like. Just like Superhero from what I've heard. Would there be any progress?
Originally posted by Brentney Spears

This is the ONLY way to commerate 9/11 and this is why we can never, ever let the bastards win. I refuse to forget, I refuse to forgive, I refuse to be denied.

I think "Refuse" just plain rocks too. It's almost Zakk-era Ozzy in its riffage. Not what I expected but a pleasant surprise. And for the HEAVY people, Charlie assures me there's some new shit that's beyond brutal. And some "Poppy" stuff which I'll believe when I hear it.

/The Man Jr.

I was thinking the same thing!!! It sounds alot like Ozzy, but that is not bad. It is still Anthrax and still Fucking Rocks!! Well worth the wait.
My god folks, I love the new song! :spin:

Kinda has a "Inside out" feel to it! Love the Lyrics, love that incredible Anthrax guitar tone! It certainly sounds like a natural step from the "Volume 8" album, great drums, God Johns vocals are awesome! I think I just listened to the song 8 times in a row, I'm going for another 8 right now! :grin:

Hey Brentney!

The song does seems to go from headphone to headphone, if you catch my drift, but don't worry about it mang, I'll keep listening 2 it all day :grin: But you know, since you asked!

Cheerz everybody,

A new Anthrax song is here! :grin:

I had a bit of trouble at first,probably because evryone was dying to listen to the song.

This could possibly be the greatest anthrax song ive ever heard!!

weve come for you all is going to send a big fuck you to all this pussy metal shit thats out there!!!!!!!!!!
Cool, finally some new noise!!! The song is cool, Bush sounds really good. I had hoped for some Thrashier stuff, but at the same time I knew that would not happen. We'll see with the whole album....

Realplayer sucks badass BTW, but the Mp3 plays great.

Well, I am so computer stupid that I could not figure out how to work it. It said it could not play with a firewall up and I could not figure out how to get it down. I was so freakin pissed. But what can I do now, huh?
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
Well, I am so computer stupid that I could not figure out how to work it. It said it could not play with a firewall up and I could not figure out how to get it down. I was so freakin pissed. But what can I do now, huh?
send me a message on aim: stantheman1976
i'll hook you up