Let me know what you think??


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
OK??!! First i wanna say these are real drums, I did everything so go easy :loco:

I only have 1 overhead mic, and its was mostly an experiment cause i gotta record a band soon,
so please share your thoughts


I dont think it sounds bad, I started mixing with headphones just to have a different source of monitoring,
small comp, EQ for master
I think it sounds pretty good so far. I think the guitars are a little overgained and I think I'd dig a snare with a little more low end coming through. I'd definately try to record with at least 2 OH mics in a spaced pair and hopefully even HH/ride/china/spot mics if the drummer has a lot of cymbals.
I think it sounds pretty good so far. I think the guitars are a little overgained and I think I'd dig a snare with a little more low end coming through. I'd definately try to record with at least 2 OH mics in a spaced pair and hopefully even HH/ride/china/spot mics if the drummer has a lot of cymbals.

I only had 1 cymbal at the moment, I know it sucks
man everyone says i have to much gain lol, It quad tracked, 2 with a mild gain and 2 with almost no gain,
It seemed to be an even balance in guitars to me, and i thought the same thing with the snare
Anyone think the guitars seem a bit loud or is it just me or is that just the gain hahaha, i dont know im burnt out ATM
Bump :Smug:
I cant get no one else??
Its kind important i get some feedback
I`m no expert either , but I guess I can post my impression any way.
The kick/snare ratio should be more towards the snare side imo. In the faster parts the snare gets buried by the kick. Also try if you can get a more open sound with a bit more mids in the guitars , reduce the mids in the bass instead. Is the bass just the DI signal ?

keep up
I`m no expert either , but I guess I can post my impression any way.
The kick/snare ratio should be more towards the snare side imo. In the faster parts the snare gets buried by the kick. Also try if you can get a more open sound with a bit more mids in the guitars , reduce the mids in the bass instead. Is the bass just the DI signal ?

keep up
Yea in the faster parts yea, but this is mostly a rough mix kinda
I never really EQed any mids out of the guitar actually thats just how it sounds, i was gonna lower some high end which would make the mids stick out a little, and i like that little mid on the bass guitar, It opens up the spectrum a little bit, almost makes the music dementional