Let me say hi, everybody...!


New Metal Member
Jan 27, 2006
Zug, Switzerland
I was reading a lot in the last time in this forum and found a lot very interesting topics here to read... I never really posted so far. I thought It is time to say hi and introduce my self once… enough of stealth reading :)

I’ve built a project studio (www.traintown.net) in Switzerland about a year ago and did some demo productions in the last time. Here are two songs of my recent project:

Fate Is Dying:

As Gravity Fades:

If you find the time to post a little feedback about the production, I would appreciate that!
Love the guitars and the vocals!! :headbang:

Snare sounds a bit weird every now and then in the first mix, but it rocks traintown...

And welcome. :kickass:
Sounds really cool.... very as I lay dying....snare does sound a little weird though.
Thanx a lot for your feedback! I will take care about the snair thing... in the first mix the snair is real, in the second I used a sample. both way I was never really sattisfied with the snair impact. It could use some more power i guess.

Cheers... Attila (Traintown)

ps: I am male...and yes I am sexy. :)