Let The Truth Be Heard!


May 20, 2002
Rhode Island, USA
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I have edited this interview to mainly focus on the whole Anthrax/S.O.D. situation. The more people who read the truth the better. To see the entire interview go to www.billymilano.com
I am sitting here with one of the most genuine persons I have ever met in the music industry. I respect his opinion immensely. He is a great credit to the Heavy Metal community. He is a legend respected and recognized by his peers. He is one of the original founders of Anthrax and of the legendary SOD (Stormtroopers of Death). He is my friend, Ladies and gentleman Mr. Danny Lilker.

BM: Danny, You probably have done more bands then anyone in the history of music.
Just if you could remember a dozen or so mention them please.

DL: I was talked into joining a band by Scott Ian, which I later named Anthrax.

BM: Which he later denied you were in and even more fucked up denied the fact that you came up with the name and then asked you to leave.

DL: Well, Yes.

BM: We’ll get into later. What are the bands?

DL: Anthrax, Nuclear Assault, SOD, Brutal Truth, Exit 13, (Malformed Earthborn? Don’t quote me.) Extra Hot Sauce which was me on drums in a hardcore band. Exit 13 was a band I produced and later jammed with as a filler. Our shows were a drunken massacre. Hemlock, a black metal band I played with for 5 years.
The Ravenous and a new black metal band called Overlord Exterminator, which we are still putting together

BM: So right now you have been doing the Nuclear Assault thing, what’s up? Did you record yet?

DL: We are going to be recording in a couple of months. John Connelly and I have written solid tunes and it’s all about getting together for rehearsal. Glenn lives in Florida, Me and Eric the new guitarist live in Rochester. So we are a geographically challenged band. Anthony has prior commitments and he couldn’t commit to Nuclear Assault.

BM: Well that’s cool. So where have you toured? What’s the website?

DL: www.nuclearassualt.us Recently we did the no mercy tour in Europe with, listen to this. Testament, Death Angel, Marduk, Pro Pain, Malevolent Creation, Darkane.

BM: What were those shows like?

DL: People were excited to see Nuclear Assault back again. Lots of old school.
Also there were a lot of people who never got top see us or only now are old enough to go to a show who were really happy to see us. They came up to me and said, “ we thought we’d never get to see you. Thanks so much for coming to play”. It was awesome.

BM: So Danny. Everyone wants to know what really happened with SOD. They have heard me complain about Scott and Charlie for over a year on the net. Why don’t you tell everyone that reads this what really happened? OK?

DL: Sure

BM: I will start by setting up a few events and you can comment as you desire.

DL: Sure.

BM: Danny It’s fair to say that Scott told you the same thing he told me. You and I had the understanding that were going to tour all the territories of the world, which is why I closed my business down, Correct?

DL: Yep! That’s what I was going on. We were back full fledged. We were going to play everywhere we never played, we did play a bunch of places we didn’t play but it was not as complete as I thought. I would agree with that.

BM: And , I mean you’re a pretty mellow guy Dan, you really are. You’re one of the nicer people I’ve met in music I have to say.

DL; Well I appreciate that thank you.

BM: And I think I’ve only seen you get mad 2 times in my life.

I saw you get mad at the first SOD show, at Dynamo. You were called to my hotel room at 1am. We just played a stellar show. Charlie Benante told us that night that he quit, after one show. Do you remember what your comment was?

DL: No, but remind me.

BM: I’m going to remind you. Because I hate that motherfucker.
Your comment was,” Well once again SOD’s fans get fucked.

DL; Well I was accurate.

BM: But you were pretty pissed. For the record it is true he quit after one show?

DL; Yes, and was forced to reconsider.

BM: Well, he was going to get his ass kicked though.

DL: Right, well that’s being forced.

BM: How much of the SOD shit did you write? Speak English or Die was a pretty popular record.

DL: When I got called into SOD Scott (jewcifer) had a bunch of that shit written already
I came up and wrote the rest of it with him except the 2 songs you wrote. Musically I helped write, Milano Mosh, Speak English or Die, Milk, Pre-menstrual princess blues,
Pussy whipped, Douche crew.

BM: So you basically wrote the best shit on the record. I know something you didn’t get credit for (besides naming Anthrax). You came up with the blast beat. I remember you sitting down with Charlie benante and showing what to play in milk and he thought it was stupid. I remember Danny Lilker coming up with the blast beat. Not Charlie benante.

DL: That was 1985 I was listening to bands like, the notorious NYC mayhem.

BM; Well, was blast beat stuff like that played back then?

DL: Not like it is now.

BM: Well for the sake of perspective. I never saw anyone do anything like that.
But then again I never saw anyone ever play in tune. (HAHA)

DL: Well technically he wasn’t doing a real blast beat because his feet weren’t going full

BM: OH, I see. So he cheated.


BM: I guess Charlie does cheat.

DL; (Still Smiling)

BM: I think I’ve said all I wanted to say.
Unless there is anything you wanted to add other than the fact that the fans got robbed again because Charlie’s a cunt. I’m glad though that you remember the fact that he quit after one show. Cause he absolutely denies it to this day. Do you also remember when we played Chicago, I was getting ready to announce the ballad of Walter Payton and someone yelled the ballad of Anthrax (I will have a MPEG of this soon!) Remember that? Charlie ran off his drum set, he ran away and I had to chase him to back stage and yell at him to get out and finish the set. But hey, whatever.

DL: Italians are dramatic!

BM: ha-ha. Not me. Hahaha. So Danny, Scott did VH1 behind the music for ANTHRAX.
A lot of people have stated that the reason I was pissed off was because I wasn’t involved and he didn’t mention how SOD built his whole career. The reality is Scott has no honor or integrity. He never honors his friends. I was more pissed that Scott came to me as a friend for help to do SOD and when we broke up he never even called me to have a cup of coffee when he came to town. I was very upset over the fact that you never were even mentioned and in fact were intentionally omitted from the history of Anthrax. I find that insulting. I know you’re not the type of guy to say anything but as your friend I had to.

DL: Actually I did say something. I sent them one of the nastiest e-mails I ever sent anybody.

BM: Really?

DL: Yeah, They kind of came back with the same old fuckin party line, well we (ANTHRAX) told them we wanted to have you interviewed. But, I saw that as a basic structural flaw or window dressing. A lot of people who came to their (ANTHRAX) defense like their Webmaster said, “ It’s out of their control. VH1 decides who’s in and whose out” My problem with the whole thing was, the basic flaw somebody has to tell VH1 the history of the band. This is much deeper than, “ we’re gonna ask and your gonna comment on this”.

BM: Well didn’t they have like twiggy from Marilyn Manson on it or something?

DL: They had a bunch of people on it

BM; Certainly you had relevance to the people that were on it.

DL: My whole thing was not that I wasn’t asked to make comments on it.
My problem was much more basic was that, When they (ANTHRAX) told them the story line they made it seem like I wasn’t involved in the writing and recording of “FISTFUL of METAL” and that.

BM: Well were you? How much were you?

DL: Shit man, I wrote 75% of that record.

BM: Really? fl- Said with disgust!

DL: Well that’s the thing. When you saw the show, If you didn’t know any better you would have thought I was the guy who was in the band for 5 minutes and that as soon as they got Charlie 2 seconds later they got Frank. That’s how I remember seeing the show and going, what the fuck? The whole reality check thing is, if I was just a primadonna or a baby and out for attention and you know just ego inflation then people would tell me. But people were coming up confused going, “ How come I didn’t see you on behind the music didn’t you write most of the first record?” I would just have to shrug at them.
When they say” VH1 decides whose on it or not” I say no that’s not it more like you told them, you kinda re-wrote history to make it seem like I played a much smaller roll. The reason for that unfortunately follows a pattern. Bro, I’m gonna say these things, bout Scott it follows a pattern in history of after I was thrown out even though I thought up the name (ANTHRAX) He (Scott jewcifer dimebag Ian) told people he thought up the name.

BM; He really said that?

DL: He told people in interviews a million times he basically USURPED my real story.
Which was, that I was in hygiene class in high school, we were talking about diseases
And the teacher drew ANTHRAX on the board. I said, “ That word has a certain stigma to it, it sounds like it would be a good name for a heavy metal band”. You know because it’s a disease, It’s something bad.

BM: Right.

DL: Little do I know 2 years later I see interviews where, “Where did you come up with the name ANTHRAX and Scott basically became me and said “ I was sitting in high school in a hygiene class” and I saw that and said “ Oh my god what’s he doing”.

BM: So he lied?

DL: He did lie

BM: Oh so that’s just it. He flat out lied about the name.

DL; Yeah, He flat out lied about who came up with the name and how.

BM; did you ever take any of those tests for you in hygiene class? And how did you do in class? HAHA- it was a joke.

DL: Right! That whole pattern continued with me. Right after I was thrown out of the band Anthrax that is we were writing material for a second record. Next thing I new I was out but there was a riff I contributed.

BM; Like what?

DL: Um?

BM: What was the second record? Spreading?

DL: Yeah, let’s see. Which one was "Madhouse" on? That one?

BM: Yes!

DL: There are 2 songs on that and 2 songs on "Among the Living". Still 3 years later my riffs were still being used.

BM: What was on "Among the Living"?

DL: "I am the law". "Imitation of Life" I think.

BM: Which was the SOD song they stole

DL: Right! So there you go.

BM; So they basically robbed you?

DL: Ok, you were at the meeting when Johnny Z came up to hear the mixes of Spreading the Disease, we were doing the SOD record in Ithaca. You were there; they were playing john the mixes. All of a sudden I heard a riff I wrote and I said Scott were you gonna give me credit for that? And he looked very uncomfortable and said “ ah yeah Danny wrote a couple of riffs on that he should get credit”.

BM: I don’t remember that but tell you what I don’t remember anything from that session. I do remember you saying at one point that there was music that you wrote on it, that you wrote and that they used.

BM: There was an interview I read where Scott says you and he talk all the time.

DL: That is an absolute load of shit.

BM; So, he lied again.

DL: After behind the music, when he realized that he basically fucked up by glossing over my contributions by re-writing the history of it. All of a sudden after that you see interviews of him praising me. It’s kinda like too little too later.

BM: Anthrax’s lack of genuine identity is circumvented by there ability to take other peoples.

DL; Well, yeah.

BM: Let’s move on

DL: there are 2 types of people in the world. Some people have ethics, some people don’t.

BM: Well Scott definitely has none. But I don’t want to make this a Scott bashing interview. I just wanted to inform the reality of the situation to people because you did get pushed aside.

DL: I just want credit where credit it due.

BM: A lot of people believe you should sue them for defamation of character. I, being one.

DL: Believe me, Metal fans know the real story. The drummer from Immortal came up to me at Wacken festival last year and was disgusted with what happened. He was like fuck those guys. People know what’s going on.

BM: What do you think of the new head bangers ball?

DL; It’s the same shit as last time except they substituted NU metal for glam.
It’s more like UN metal.

BM: That’s funny. Be careful, Anthrax may steal that from you.

DL: Well, let me ask you this. If a German festival called and said to you “ I will give you 50,ooo euro dollars for SOD to play my Festival” what would you do?

BM; I’d say, NO. I will never go on stage with that Jewcifer fuck Scott or Charlene Bitchante ever again.

DL; That’s why you’re you.

BM: Exactly.

DL; you wouldn’t do it for a 12,ooo weekend payday.

BM: NO, I have integrity and when Charlie quit after one show it made me realize that he is the weakest human being I have ever met. I think he is the most self centered, selfish arrogant bastard for doing that. And I should know, I’m and Arrogant bastard. There is no I in we and he quit the first day. That is so typical of a power trip bitch move it makes me sick. The other thing is this. SOD plays a sold out show in Chicago and ANTHRAX pull the ultimate slime bag weakest bitch move in the history metal. SOD has a sold out show and ANTHRAX that night does a midnight in store and announce it at the end of the show. That was PATHETIC. It shows you what kind of people Scott and Charlie are.
And just how desperate ANTHRAX was for attention. It was probably the most despicable thing I have ever seen. SOD got bamboozled again and so did the fans.

DL; Oh, that’s right. I remember that. That was weak. Well I know one thing. I will play metal as long as humanly possible. So, um That’s it.

BM: Thanks for the interview and more importantly congrats on getting married.

DL: Thanks.

BM: Okay. Goodbye. Anthrax sucks! Ha-ha.

"But I don’t want to make this a Scott bashing interview."

Wow. No wonder Billy's such a fat fuck...he's so full of shit I'm surprised it doesn't come leaking out his ears. I respect his and Danny's contributions to music (Nuke kicks ass), but Milano is just a bitter bastard who takes shots at Scott Ian every chance he gets. And he's not makin any friends with all the "Jewcifer" shit either. Fuck that sleazy sack of lard up his hippo ass.

Although, if that quote to Metal Sludge about this being a "gimmick" has any truth, then I salute his creativity. But he doesn't really have much credibility with me.
Pyrus you must be an anthrax fan. I used to be until they turned into the little cry baby faggots they have become. Whether you like Billy Milano or not, you cant deny all the back stabbing, bullshit and lies that have come from JEWCIFER and Charlie BITCHante's mouths.

I just want those who didnt know, to know the truth about whats been going on. People may not have believed what Billy was saying, but Danny Lilker does NOT lie. All you read hear is 100% fact. There's no gimmicks here either, just the straight poop.
Well, I think there´s a lot truth in this interview and I always had much respect for Danny Lilker. Though I have to say again ... Billy is a fat provocating politically uneducated asshole ... so don´t pay attention to him this is all he needs.
As stupid an insult as "Jewcifer" is, it's even more retarded when you repeat it, Hunger. Don't lower yourself to Milano's level; you're smarter than that.

I'm an Anthrax fan and also an SOD fan, and as far as I know Scott Ian is a decent human being and a generally cool guy. I see no reason to believe Milano over him; whenever there's success, there's always bitter people trying to leech off the successful. I have no respect for that racist fuck after all the stupid shit he's said.
Pyrus said:
As stupid an insult as "Jewcifer" is, it's even more retarded when you repeat it, Hunger. Don't lower yourself to Milano's level; you're smarter than that.

Ditto! Racist comments do not belong on this board...


Milano has always been a bitter jackass riding on the coat-tails of what could have been..
Apparently you guys are clueless as to the lack of respect that scott and charlie have had for Dan Lilker. All the lies, their lack of dignity, their backstabbing a friend and their cowardice.

Put aside your dislike and disgust of Billy Milano, step way back and take a look at the WHOLE picture.

As far as Milano riding any coat tails. Scott Ian USED Billy/Danny/S.O.D. to get assthrax back on the map.

Pyrus, Mind Insane, did you guys even read the entire interview above????? Its all there.

Oh and by the way, Danny Lilker is also Jewish and it doesnt bother him, so dont let it bother you. In fact it never bothered Scott either. Billy used to introduce him as "The Israeli Assassin" and "the jumpin' Jew from Kalamazoo"

Whether you are assthrax fans and despise Billy or not, you cant possibly agree with what scott and charlie have done.
Obviously, you haven't heard much from Milano lately...every communication from him (e-mails to Metal Sludge, posts on Blabbermouth, AIM) is filled with references to kikes, faggots, and occasionally my pals and spics if he decides to expand his horizons. (Pardon the language, everyone) He's probably just doing it for shock value, but that kind of attention-seeking immaturity is almost as pathetic as being racist.

As for "what Scott and Charlie have done," see, I've never heard any accounts of this from anybody besides Billy and Dan, and I don't see why they should be given more credibility than Anthrax. I don't think Scott Ian is a perfect human being, but neither am I inclined to believe he's total scum. Milano's constant tirades are only decreasing his credibility; he comes across as petty and desperate for people to believe him.

As for "SOD saved Anthrax," not only did Anthrax generally outsell SOD (it was "Bring the Noise" that resurrected their career), Scott and Charlie were a huge part of SOD. Billy talks about that like it was his project with those guys as guest musicians (Iced Earth, anybody?), but it looks to me like Billy is the one living off the S.O.D. name. His only musical accomplishment besides that is M.O.D., which is basically a mediocre version of S.O.D. without Scott and Charlie's riffs. S.O.D. was Scott's idea, and without him, nobody would give a flying fuck about Billy Milano. He'd just be another mildly amusing fat guy.

I respect what Milano's contributed to the metal community, but it hasn't been half as much as Anthrax, and every time he opens his mouth he just makes himself seem smaller, pettier, and less likely to actually accomplish anything (especially considering the last MOD record). He needs to wake up from his delusionary dream and realize how much of his success is owed to the two guys he constantly bashes.

I will say, though, that I hold my own grudge against Anthrax. They've gone through the US like four fucking times in the last year, and no Bay Area dates?! What the shit is that?
Pyrus, Mind Insane, did you guys even read the entire interview above????? Its all there.
As far as reading the entire interview I DID hunger...and it sounded like a bunch of whiney bitches having a shit talking session. I hate that kind of BS. Airing your dirty laundry in public deserves absolutely no acknowledgement as far as I'm concerned.

As far as being an Anthrax fan...I was....first and foremost...MOD and SOD have always been a novelty act...yea it's funny...but it's far from anything Anthrax has done talent wise.

I'm a firm believer that there is always two sides to every story, and whoever you are listening to is giving you their own biased viewpoint...so believe what you wanna believe...but when people come out in a public forum with an immature shit talking attitude they lose a lot of credibility.

Carry on....
Pyrus said:
Obviously, you haven't heard much from Milano lately...every communication from him (e-mails to Metal Sludge, posts on Blabbermouth, AIM) is filled with references to kikes, faggots, and occasionally my pals and spics if he decides to expand his horizons. (Pardon the language, everyone) He's probably just doing it for shock value, but that kind of attention-seeking immaturity is almost as pathetic as being racist.
NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with how they have treated Danny.

As for "what Scott and Charlie have done," see, I've never heard any accounts of this from anybody besides Billy and Dan, and I don't see why they should be given more credibility than Anthrax.
Well who else would you expect to hear it from? Dan is the one they fucked over on the whole Anthrax stuff, including making it seem like he had nothing to do with Anthrax. He never even defended himself. Billy is the one that was so pissed off over it that HE started bringing it up.

I don't think Scott Ian is a perfect human being
What makes you think this?

but neither am I inclined to believe he's total scum. Milano's constant tirades are only decreasing his credibility; he comes across as petty and desperate for people to believe him.
He's desperate for people to believe the TRUTH and nothing more. I'll admit his way of going about it isn't gentle, but he is extremely pissed off about the whole thing.

As for "SOD saved Anthrax," not only did Anthrax generally outsell SOD (it was "Bring the Noise" that resurrected their career)
Umm, no dude that was YEARS ago. At the time of Bring the Noise, Anthrax was still riding the popularity they got from Among the Living, etc.

Once they fell from grace it was the whole S.O.D. reunion that got them back on the map. (read this clip from the above interview) The other thing is this. SOD plays a sold out show in Chicago and ANTHRAX pull the ultimate slime bag weakest bitch move in the history metal. SOD has a sold out show and ANTHRAX that night does a midnight in store and announce it at the end of the show. That was PATHETIC. It shows you what kind of people Scott and Charlie are.
And just how desperate ANTHRAX was for attention.

Scott and Charlie were a huge part of SOD. Billy talks about that like it was his project with those guys as guest musicians.
You're way off again. Both Billy and Dan have always said it was Scott's band and they joined. Youre putting words in peoples mouths. Did you actually really read the interview?

but it looks to me like Billy is the one living off the S.O.D. name. His only musical accomplishment besides that is M.O.D., which is basically a mediocre version of S.O.D. without Scott and Charlie's riffs. S.O.D. was Scott's idea, and without him, nobody would give a flying fuck about Billy Milano. He'd just be another mildly amusing fat guy.
How can somebody be so far off so many times? Dude, Billy had a similar band at the same time S.O.D. released SEOD. They were called M.O.D. Thats a fact! He was working on that band at that time because S.O.D. was JUST supposed to be a one record, one time side project. Billy Milano would have surfaced either way, especially with a talented friend like Danny around. Personally, I heard S.O.D. about a year before I ever heard Anthrax.

I respect what Milano's contributed to the metal community, but it hasn't been half as much as Anthrax, and every time he opens his mouth he just makes himself seem smaller, pettier, and less likely to actually accomplish anything (especially considering the last MOD record). He needs to wake up from his delusionary dream and realize how much of his success is owed to the two guys he constantly bashes.
He doesnt owe them SHIT! By the way, the new M.O.D. record is great.

I will say, though, that I hold my own grudge against Anthrax. They've gone through the US like four fucking times in the last year, and no Bay Area dates?! What the shit is that?
and for THIS you hold a grudge? I used to really lke Anthrax, saw them a few times back in the day. After Scott and Charlie fucked over Billy, Danny and me as an S.O.D. fan (not too mention Danny Spitz) Ive lost all respect.

Dude, I dont want to argue with you anymore about this shit. The facts are right here in black and white....err well RED and white. Its up to you to choose whether or not to believe them.
MindInsane said:
As far as reading the entire interview I DID hunger...and it sounded like a bunch of whiney bitches having a shit talking session. I hate that kind of BS. Airing your dirty laundry in public deserves absolutely no acknowledgement as far as I'm concerned.
I dont think Dan sounded like a whiney bitch. It just looks like a guy who is tired of being stepped on by someone he thought was a friend.

As far as being an Anthrax fan...I was....first and foremost...MOD and SOD have always been a novelty act...yea it's funny...but it's far from anything Anthrax has done talent wise.
and this has what do with the fact that Scott made it seem like HE came up with the name Anthrax and that Dan had nothing to do with that band?
or that Scott begged Billy to do S.O.D again when he was broke and then after Billy closed down his business they ended up flaking out?

I'm a firm believer that there is always two sides to every story, and whoever you are listening to is giving you their own biased viewpoint...so believe what you wanna believe...but when people come out in a public forum with an immature shit talking attitude they lose a lot of credibility
Well, Ive heard both sides. Although one side always seems to change their story....hmm? Not too mention Billy and Danny havent lost ANY credibility with people who know whats up in this scene.

Again, I don't want to argue with you either. If you choose not to believe the truth thats up to you.
I wouldnt go see Anthrax even for free in my own backyard! and in fact thats just what happened. They were just 10 minutes from me a couple of weeks ago at a place where I can get on the guest list for any and all shows.


On the other hand, Joey Belladonna is coming to a club nearby on the 29th, and he'll be singing all the good old Anthrax songs. That I wont miss.
Today I bought the new German Metal Magazine "ROCK HARD" maybe some of you know the mag.

I found some "nice" story about Billy Milano in a Ministry interview with Al Jourgensen.
Read this ...

Rock Hard: "there´s some gossip Billy Milano was threatening you saying he´ll beat you up !?"

AL: Everyone in the band (Ministry) is laughing about this guy. You can´t take him for serious ... once he came backstage and boxed me in the stomach ... I aksed him what he´s doing and he said it´s tradition of his guys in order to demonstrate strength. What a fuckin´ idiot.
On this day Billy´s girlfriend was with him. He was talking some shit as his girlfriend interrupted him. He turned around to her and knocked her out with his head. The Girl broke down and was bleeding. Then she stood up and said: "Sorry Billy for interrupting you". We could hardly hold our tour manager back not to beat the shit out of him.

I hope my translation from German to English is not that bad ;-)
Wow. I dunno if Al Jourgenson has much credibility, being that he's been high out of his mind on smack for the past few years, but if it's true than Milano is even more of a cunt than I thought. May he drown in his own excrement.

Yer missing out, Hunger. I saw them opening for Priest and they kicked ass. Bush is a kiler singer, though no Spreading-era Joey.
Apparently you can't get past Billy's ignorance? / immaturity? / phony behavior that is used to rile people up etc? either, and take a look at the REAL issues behind why I even bothered to put that interview here. Its to enlighten more people that Scott Ian is a spineless liar. This is not a "Billy vs Anthrax" debate. This is a "Scott Ian fucked over a nice honest guy who was once his friend and bandmate" debate, nothing more.

Let me simplify some of it for you, shall I?

Scott Ian claims that HE came up with the name Anthrax, (LIE!) that HE had nothing to do with the fact that the people at VH-1 didn't know that Dan Lilker had a LOT to do with the early days of Anthrax and therefore should have included him in the Behind the Music special (LIE)

I happen to know Danny, and he's not only one of the coolest, laid back, down to Earth fucking guys to ever play metal music, but he's no liar, backstabber or coward.

That's all man
uhm, you were saying Al is a friend of yours and on the other hand "don´t believe the rantings of a heroin addict ..." .......
:lol: That's a good one Edge :lol:

Funny How he says he doesn't say anything about Jews, and have this stuff like this Star Wars Parody on his site called "JewWars", among other things :rolleyes:

Edit : Danny I give more credibility, and if what he says is true then that IS pretty bad.