Let This River Flow (incomplete Soilwork cover)


Apr 27, 2010
Sevilla, Spain
Well, here I am again :D

I´ve tried to improve things due to late comments I received in this forum. Let´s see if we managed or not.

Here you can listen to less than the first minute of Let This River Flow by Soilwork:


(you have to hit the button that says "Reproducir" under the little logo)

And I have to thank youtuber LiamENGL for sending me his tabs for this song, as I wasn´t able to figure out how they were playing it (listen to his cover here: )

It´s recorded using the Metal Foundry expansion and recording 4 guitar tracks with Pod XT Live (one pair uses 5150, and the other uses the Diezel Herbert simulation)

Bass is also recorded using Pod XT, using the simulation named HiWay 100.

Any critics or questions are welcomed. Thanks!
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Hey, thanks, Xes. Glad you liked it. As you noticed, LiamENGL is the youtuber who recorded the video with his cover and sent me the tabs :D

Tonito, you should ask them to Liam, as he´s the creator, and I feel I should not upload them. Hope you understand me.
Hey, Javi, qué pasa??

It does have bass, but it´s quite playing the same as the guitars. Maybe it´s not too loud but I thought it was there. I have to remix it again anyway.

It´s my third recording with Metal Foundry (I´ve got two tests in Hipasónicos), but I´ve recorded them very close in time, so they count almost as my first time. Do you have any advice or favourite snare/bass drum?
