Letargy Dream Heliopolis
The third band album conceptually based on antiutopian literature of 20th century gives a new look at Letargy Dream. Being broadened to four members the band gets across the frontiers of their style featuring female hysterical screaming and male clean two- and three-part singing. Music-wise the album represents a compilation of such genres as progressive metal and neo progressive rock, stoner and traditional doom metal. Solid and leisured distorted guitar sound, technical drum passages breaking to blastbits, acoustic guitars and atmospheric keyboards create the masterpiece called Heliopolis.
1. Saturn
2. Well Die Smiling Broadly
3. Heliopolis
4. Prominences

The third band album conceptually based on antiutopian literature of 20th century gives a new look at Letargy Dream. Being broadened to four members the band gets across the frontiers of their style featuring female hysterical screaming and male clean two- and three-part singing. Music-wise the album represents a compilation of such genres as progressive metal and neo progressive rock, stoner and traditional doom metal. Solid and leisured distorted guitar sound, technical drum passages breaking to blastbits, acoustic guitars and atmospheric keyboards create the masterpiece called Heliopolis.
1. Saturn
2. Well Die Smiling Broadly
3. Heliopolis
4. Prominences