
New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Next week we're heading into the studio to record a three-track 7" for Witches Brew Records. Tentative tracklist:

Fire Reigns the Sky/Through Your Flesh c/w Deliverance

Listen to today's rehearsal to see what you're in for (hint: thrash metal terror, now with rather awesome thrash breaks which were unfortunately missing from the all speed, all the time demo)

7" tracks:
Fire Reigns the Sky
Through Your Flesh
Deliverance (No lyrics on this version really)

Some old classic bonus tracks:
Tormentor (Rather Fucking Fast version)
The Trooper (Don't think we've ever actually played this for real or anything so don't tell us we suck :) also Mike got bored halfway through and started playing Deathcrush)
Silent Strike... actually sod this, the recording jumps and skips for some fucking reason -- it's a fucking TAPE, tapes don't skip!?!

Feedback on the new tracks appreciated, though I'm sure these versions are less than friendly to the ears and so on... You're not wimps though are you?
Because I'm too lazy to download these two at a time and then have to come back and click more when they finish :confused:
Good goat, do you two geek up EVERYTHING you discuss? :loco:

I'll listen to these at home, hopefully by then I'll be prepared for EARDRUM DESTRUCTAVATION ASSAULT.
This stuff is downloading at the speed of thought: 200kps!!

Can't comment on any of the vocals. Did you have one mic for the whole rehearsal?

Sounds like some Kreator worship on "Fire Reigns the Sky". I like the breakdown, and the verse riff is devastating...if not a little repetitive, sorry. :erk:

Through your Flesh -> :kickass: The drumming is spot on too. This one has...what's the word...groove. :cool:

Deliverance...is this an Opeth cover? Is this a tribute to the 'squeal like a pig' movie with ol' Burt? No, it is thrash metal TerrrorrrR. (No lyrics on this one eh? Yeah you can really tell. :loco: ) By the way, the breakdown is awesome, with the harmonies et al. Great.

Your solos are all disasterous by the way. :D

Can I get this 7"?

The Trooper! Where's the second guitar? It was going pretty well until you got to the solo sections....hehehe, pretty fun version that...you'll need to include it as a hidden track someday. How much beer was consumed during this session? :heh:
Did I hear someone yell something about Hitler?
Seriously though I think Deliverance is your best track yet. Last night I was listening to the actual recording you posted a little while back.
yes ... Deliverance is the shit ... too bad it's not 1984 or you would be sought after by every A&R rep :loco:
Erik said:
if you are a false don't entry
I'm going to use this line in many occasions that involve metal, beer, and pussy. I'll totally credit you for it, with any royalties incurred heading 20% your way.