Lets force SRF to book SW for 2009!!!


Mr. Bassman
Apr 19, 2008
Hi y'all!

Sweden Rock Festival (SRF) has a page on the site where you can wish for which bands you want to play there in 2009.

SW almost played there in '07 but now we feel it is time! :kickass:

We would therefore like to ask you to vote for Seventh Wonder to play there, and please be so bold as to do so regardless of whether or not you plan to visit! :heh:

I've prepared a guide on how to do so for those of you who don't master the universal language Swedish... :hypno:

First, go to http://www.swedenrock.com
Then you should see this (click anyone of the flags, at least today they both link to the Swedish page...).

Click where the red arrow points.

That should bring you here:

Again click where the red arrow points. The link says "Rösta inför 2009" which means "vote for 2009".
A close-up of that link can be seen here:

After that click you will get to a looong list of band names, scroll down to "Seventh Wonder" (duh), and you should check the box next to the band name. This should look like this:

Ok, as long as you've checked Seventh Wonder as one of your picks (or the only one for that matter...), then you scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "skicka" (which means "send"), as indicated by the red arrow.
This is what you should be looking at:

And once you've completed all these steps, I can simply say a huge:
-from the band! :notworthy
Tried to vote on the Wii and the PS3, I got a message prompt (in Swedish so I couldn't understand it), then was taken back to the band checkbox page thingy. Guess it meant something like "Gid d'fuck oudda he' wid dat shit!" :yuk::erk::waah::cry::hypno::zombie:
I´ve been wishing for SW to SRF for two years now. I am/was a member on their forum where I occasionally spoke to Jonny (the drummer).

Remember me Jonny? I hope you haven´t forgotten that you would get me a backstage pass the year they book you... ;o)

Best wishes MetalMatte
Excellent dude...:rock:

Good thing (for me anyway) that you didn´t play SRF this year. I couldn´t go for the first time in ten years as we were expecting our first child around that time.

I´ll take my son next year to see you guys there.:)
I voted several times (italian mafia!?!?!) they never stopped me...
SW and Loudness but unfortunately there were not bet boxes for Pamela Anderson...