Lets have a sing along! :)

Slash Freeman

Iron Maiden obsessive
Okay, this happened on the Iron Maiden BB a few years ago, but it was fun. the idea is simple, someone choses a song and gives the first line. the next person gives the next line and so on through the whole song. the person who finishes the song gets to chose the next one. simple, eh? :)

Okay, i'll start with one everyone knows: Sweet Child O' Mine.

"She's got a smile that it seem to me reminds me of childhood memories"

(btw, if you don't know the end of the line, just add as much as you want to, within reason.)
Originally posted by Slash Freeman
"Now and then when i see her face
"It takes me away to that special place

And i get the feeling not many people are gonna be taking part in this.......

Same here :D

"And if I stared too long
I'd probably break down and cry

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine"

(had to sing the chorus :D :D )
"Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by"

(this time I left the chorus for someone else :headbang: )
A man appeared, wild eyed... a beard, a scar upon his visage...
He was six feet tall, wore a tattered shawl and a look of many days...
The men they stood aghast beneath the windblown mast,
They questioned him together...
He said "I am the groom of the ship of doom"
"I will sail forever"

Now was this the right chorus, or did I "accidentally" type it from Ironjaw's diary?
Originally posted by 403
I don't get it or how we at Croatia say "Ne kontam" :confused:

Here's the explanation for you then:

* Pirates do not sing GNR
* Slashy is a Pirate
* Slashy should not sing GNR :mad:

If you're still confused, then I suggest you give no further shit on the issue ;)
...or as we Turks would say: "Siktir et" :D
Originally posted by Eclipse
Ayy ! "kust ze" as they say in Dutch.:mad:

Nuff with the yakkin' and let's have some singin' :D

Sweet child of mine
Sweet love of mine

Got the chorus again :D