Let's hear it for the Earthlink Live staff


Sep 13, 2003
I haven't seen a thread about this, so I wanted to start an appreciation thread for the Earthlink Live people (even if they aren't going to look at it ;) ). I have to say that the guys watching the door were extremely friendly and understanding. They were always careful to check my ticket, but after coming and going through the main auditorium so many times, I had struck up a camaradarie with them by the end of the first night. "Are you going to be drinking tonight?" became an ongoing joke between me and the guy who was checking ID's outside. At the end of the second night as I left, they told me goodbye and that they hoped to see me next year. They told me that the ProgPower crowd was one of the best and easiest crowds they had to deal with. So I think these guys are the unsung heroes of the event, because they helped contribute to the overall fun and enjoyment of the festival - even though to them it was "a day at work." :headbang:
Awesome...very awesome recognition to a staff that probably shakes its collective heads in wonder at the crazy (but yet not) bunch of metalheads that invade the venue every year.

Haven't met anyone that didn't give a positive vibe...!

Kudos to all!

Rock on!
WEll dude man, that humongous guy checking the ID's at the preparty and the main event, youd have to be retarded to try and start shit with him. He just step on you to make you stop being.

Yeah, the guy was massive, but he was also genuinely friendly. It's true that you'd be nuts to try and start something with him, but it's to his credit that he wasn't trying to provoke anyone, either.

It was nice that these guys, who might not have an interest in the music and were just there doing their jobs, went out of their way to contribute to the positive atmosphere.
Yea he and all the security guys were cool as hell. Really, I wish every show I went to had security like that instead of the ones that push / punch you for leaning 6 inches over the rail.

Daybreaker said:
Yea he and all the security guys were cool as hell. Really, I wish every show I went to had security like that instead of the ones that push / punch you for leaning 6 inches over the rail.


Yeah, exactly - these weren't security guys trying to show up the "stupid metalhead troublemakers."

One of the guys in the auditorium was pushy, though - I went in and quickly scanned for an available seat, and he pushed me and told me to "move along." But I could overlook that guy in favor of everything else that went right.
I've mentioned them before in a different topic, but definitely the venue staff deserve a lot of credit for being pretty damned cool after all (and in some cases, easy on the eyes :)).

Interesting sidenote: Earthlink Live is currently Atlanta's only operating facility designed originally from the get-go as a musical concert venue. (Excepting Atlanta Symphony Hall.)
I absolutely applaud the staff @ Earthlink, especially the bigger of the two mountain-sized doormen of the show. I lost my gold badge from around my neck (on a lanyard) when handing my camera to my wife (also around my neck) for a mug shot with Urban Breed in the corridor. I went down to vinyls in between Dreamscape and Tad Morose and realized I had no gold badge on the way back in. Luckily, the guy had seen my ID earlier and we had a brief conversation about high school football as he is originally from Alabama as I am and remembered me and allowed me back in.
Don't get me wrong, the guy was doing his job and I could see him flipping the rolodex in his mind, but he even said "yeah....the guy from Phenix City" and let me in.... whew !! Luckily, though I played football in high school it was for Eufaula high, not Central (Phenix City) and by the look of him, he played defense as dd I. I would hate to have a blocking assignment against that monster !! I know I am getting off-topic, but that guy was frikin huge !!
