Let's put a few bars on the 'ol fait in humanity meter


Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina
OK i work at an on campus club as a staff member. from time to time we host DJ dances. part of being non racist or some bullshit like that. anyway, there was this chick there wearing a bra, an unzipped jacket, but no shirt. at some point during the night she went up to this guy and started lap dancing on him. he stared at her for a second, then grabed the jacket and zipped it up. I don't recall laughing so hard in months. that one act restored my faith in humanity. and i've never seen a chick look so bewildered in my life.
More importantly

Was she drunk or sober? If she was sober I would have enjoyed it as she would be aware of her surroundings drunk on the other hand it's a no no
WOW. That was hilarious. :lol:

Oh and....
A POSITIVE THREAD!?!? WTF?! Who divided by zero? :lol:
If theyre hot theyre hot. What does the colour of their skin have to do with it????????? :erk:
It's not the skin, i find the facial features unatractive. then there's my hatedred for the entire urban/gangsta culture. oh, and the dialect that most of them speak sounds disgusting.