Levi / Werstler - Avalanche of Worms (awesome instrumental shred cd)

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
Any of you guys check this cd out? It's been out for a while, but I just got around to giving it a listen finally..... wow. I like Daath, but I love this.

I've always heard they were very good players, and there is some intricate playing in Daath at times, but the playing on this album is on another level and really showcases what these guys can do. Insanely good playing and very cool, creative songs. This is my favorite instrumental metal/shred album since Jeff Loomis' Zero Order Phase came out. This just made me much more interested in both players.

Sean Reinert from Cynic recorded the drums for the album. Don't expect anything too crazy, because the guitars are definitely the focus here, but the drums sound great. The mix overall isn't spectacular or anything, but good enough to not take too much away from the music, and the drums actually have a very cool, natural vibe going on.
Playing in Spotify right now, this is like instrumental version of Daath, which is a good thing. Sick gypsy jazz picking from Werstler!
I only heard one song on youtube, killer thing, Werstler`s picking it`s insane

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it is just excellent. i got it before a flight to Florida (awful, awful ordeal) and wound up listening to this 6 or 7 times in a row.

imho, Levi / Werstler > Daath