New Daath Album

The guitar used for tracking rhythms was my jackson soloist with a dimarzio evolution pickup in the bridge.

Used the recto and 5150 and the recto was very dominant in the mix. I felt it was the cooler tone for the album and the band agreed. Its a really dry low gain sound that only someone like Emil could get away with playing. He plays so hard and precise that we were able to use such a unique tone.

You can really hear the crazy amount of dynamic and skill that goes into his playing on a song like self corruption manifesto especially the single notey open note riffs that he does toward the end of the song. It doesnt sound hard but goddam its precise and very difficult to get those notes to stick out the way he did. All the low notes were with an upstroke super hard and he had a really cool almost circular picking thing going on with the riff. Much harder stuff than it sounds. The whole album is like that. A few people have said the riffs are generic (which i strongly disagree) but if you sit down and try to match the dynamics etc... its a bit of a mindfuck, believe me.

Just try to rip that riff in sharpen the blades as clean as it he does, man its tough!

Anyway enough of that crap... i'll try and answer more questions if there is any.

Oh and as far as what Ole said, yeah sometimes thats true. I sometimes do eq the di a little to get more of what i want... but not too often. I have used the boss eq before for boosting but its SOO noisy that i usually use a plugin and it sounds much better anyway.

Thanks a lot for the info Mark !

I definitely dig the guitar tone/playing on this album. I love players that pick hard/precise as fuck and that have a dry low gain guitar tone.

The album is very cool, and Kevin Talley is still a BEAST.
On the album i don't think the riffs are generic. The only thing that keeps me from loving it is just minor stuff like the singing that i find very decent but a bit boring/repetitive, but that's just me and my picky tastes :)