Life Size Ghost - non-metal recording


Nov 17, 2009
Hey guys,

I'm sure a lot of you are interested in hearing recorded music that IS NOT metal. I recently worked with an unsigned band from Mount Pleasant in Michigan called Life Size Ghost. These guys are insanely talented and are phenomenal to watch live.

For this recording, everything was done live (separate takes) with zero sample replacement, pitch correction, or even artificial reverbs or delays. I made custom, natural reverb tracks for everything (vocals, guitars, drums, etc.) with a technique I came up with (not sure if this has been done before, but most likely) of reamping channels through various acoustically interesting environments.

I've included notes on the recording and you can listen to it here:

We did 3 songs total and you can pick up the EP from their facebook page. I'm very proud of this EP, as it's one of my favorite recording sessions I've done thus far.
This sounds awesome! The vibraphone really adds some awesome lushness to the track. Musically, they remind me a bit of Rx Bandits. Very cool track and really nice job.