Light of Day, Day of Darkness


Sep 23, 2011
Colorado Springs
For those who catch it, and do mp3...right this minute I checked Amazon and they have Light of Day, Day of Darkness for $1.29. The whole ONE HOUR song for a buck twenty nine! Get it while you can! Concert Warm Up in 365 days!


No a 100% sure that link will work, but try it. Get it. Find it! Love it!
Acoustic Verses is another must have album form the band.

And I really hope it leads people to check out In the Woods... as well, from the ashes of which Green Carnation were born.
That's why I don't buy MP3s from Amazon very often. I think I bought the last couple of Kingcrow albums there, since I couldn't find them anywhere else at the time, but I'd prefer to just get the discs and rip them to FLAC.