Like Biomechanical?

Wolftribe said:
more like airtranny, am i rite?

Let's put it this way:

Say a disgruntled AirTran passenger were to lose it, hijack their flight and use the aircraft as a weapon against AirTran's Corporate Headquarters. Putting aside for the moment the difficulty of getting on the aircraft - even ticketed passengers seem to find it damn near impossible to actually end up ON one of AirTran's actual airplanes - and, of course, the high level of piloting skill needed to actually hit a 400 square foot office in a dilapidated strip mall outside of Orlando without taking out the Big Lots and/or Tuesday Morning that surround it on either side - would said action be an act of:

a.) Terrorism
b.) Insanity
c.) Free Market Economics
d.) Consumer Justice?

Help me out, here...
Metal head87 said:
I was wondering when someone on a Nevermore forum would mention Biomechanical. People call them Nevermore rip offs, but I think they are great. The music is sooo technical.

Actually, They sound alot like a band from the late 80's early 90's called REALM.

I dont' hear the Nevermore influence.
eaeolian said:
Let's put it this way:

Say a disgruntled AirTran passenger were to lose it, hijack their flight and use the aircraft as a weapon against AirTran's Corporate Headquarters. Putting aside for the moment the difficulty of getting on the aircraft - even ticketed passengers seem to find it damn near impossible to actually end up ON one of AirTran's actual airplanes - and, of course, the high level of piloting skill needed to actually hit a 400 square foot office in a dilapidated strip mall outside of Orlando without taking out the Big Lots and/or Tuesday Morning that surround it on either side - would said action be an act of:

a.) Terrorism
b.) Insanity
c.) Free Market Economics
d.) Consumer Justice?

Help me out, here...
Pffft, like anyone even needs to answer this. It's obvious that the answer is D.