Like me?..not at all

Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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I know that most of you peps on here dont like me, Like me, should i say hate me..But if any of you know who I am You would know that I have not put a post up in some time.. The reason for this , if any one cares , I was involved With a car crash that involved a drunk driver.. I have been in a coma<--spell?. for the past 34 days. I know most of you are like, blah blah blah who cares.. but this has been a crazy part of my life.. The person that was resposable for this is dead.. i was on my way home from a party, I hade like 2 drinks, and I was on my way home.. as I entered The intersection<-spell I was blind sinded from the drivers side.. The police say the driver was going anywhere from 110 to 130 miles pre. hr. I couldent even tell you what was going thro my mind, all i remember was I was thinking about what I was going to do for Hallowen. and here I am not looking at Thanksgiving here now less than a week from now. a month of my life was takin from me( The good part of this is All of you have been awake, and i have ben asleap for amonth,so that means i have to wate less then you for the new Anthrax lol) really all I have to say is, I am Thankful I am still here, God or who ever has givein me another chance. and for that I am greatful.. All I know is that I am greatful to be alive, and all of you are cool beans..Anthrax 4-ever ........later............
Dude. No one hates you. So shut up about that, if you would.:)
I'm glad you're okay. How do you feel about the driver who basically killed himself for being an idiot.
I know that's easy for me to say 'cause I wasn't involved.
all I remember is you saying you didn't care for "refuse to be denied" which doesn't bother me any. It's an honest opinion. thats all I remember you ever posting that could cause you to fall from grace. But like I said it was an honest opinion and we'd be assholes if we turned you away because you don't like 1 song. I don't like every Anthrax song.
goddamnit, that stories fucked up. I hate drunk drivers. At least get a designated driver, im gonna do that shit at a party and make so much money. Every 5 mins just stop and be like dudes we almost out of gas, 5 bucks a piece.
the way i work on life is,your number wasnt on the board yet man,u here some stories of something happening and u think how unlucky was that dude or dudette,a few months back i plugged a cord back into the power point and had a bit of trouble putting it in the powerpoint,bout half a second after i plugged it in and took my hand away,big bang and it blew up.

half a second or less at being dead or totally fucked up or scorched,dont leave much room for luck!

another recent story was after the bali bombing,they have agreat facility in the top end of australia,which is also home to alot of crocodiles,which alot of friends of the victims went to,now this guy survives a terrorist bomb then has a swim in water wether he knew it had crocs in or not is another story but he he got done!!!

how unlucky is that!!!!!!!
Lucky you man, looks like you have been born for the second time. Terrible story, drunk drivers suck ass. I have to join the club of those who still haven't noticed anything wrong about you...?
So, the cops were chasing that fucker? Hmmm... Must have been crazy seeing the footage of it.

You know, Stephen King almost died by some fucking idiot in a van. He said all he wanted from the guy was his driver's license.
But I think he bought the van.
King refers to his life now as "The Bonus Round".
I love Stephen King.
@ Buddy-Glad you're okay. Didn't think anything was wrong with you, just figured you weren't coming back anymore like some other people around here (Ty, ThraxMan, etc.). And I thought everyone liked you again once you made it clear you were drunk when you posted. :D Nothing pisses me off faster than drunk drivers. The ones that kill themselves deserve what they get, but unfortunately, they usually end up taking others with them. Be glad you're not a statistic, even though you're life is changed now.

@ Thra:rofl:ude, I heard he bought the van too.