Like the Lynch Mob, I'm jackin' for beats.... MIDI


Sep 12, 2006
Hey guys,

Wonder if someone could point me in the right direction, or fill my stocking with metal!

After 1000 of failed attempts, I am trying to find a MIDI file of a grindcore drum pattern, with accents' on the ride bell, ala' the begining of Blotted Science's "Oscillation Cycles". Everytime i try to make one, it just sounds like the pads on my Trigger Finger are stuck. IF someone can help me out, I will gladly repay you with tales of ribaldry!
...or fill my stocking with metal!

LOL holy shit man that caught me off-guard. And now I have to run to Best Buy to get a new keyboard for my work since there is now a gallon of Monster energy drink in it haha.


Hey guys,

Wonder if someone could point me in the right direction, or fill my stocking with metal!

After 1000 of failed attempts, I am trying to find a MIDI file of a grindcore drum pattern, with accents' on the ride bell, ala' the begining of Blotted Science's "Oscillation Cycles". Everytime i try to make one, it just sounds like the pads on my Trigger Finger are stuck. IF someone can help me out, I will gladly repay you with tales of ribaldry!

The best place to get great blast-beats is if you buy the EZ Drummer and DFH Expansion kit. It comes with some of the best programmed metal beats anywhere, including blast beats that you can edit. I usually use these, and then go back in and raise the velocity of the Ride cymbals to get that accent you're talking about.

And EZ Drummer and the Expansions kits are really inexpensive now, and I think are still the best option to go with, considering the value and that they only take up 2.5 GB on your computer (as opposed to using DFH Superior 2.0 - at 25 GBs!!).