Limbonic Art - Phantasmagoria

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
What are your opinions on this record? I'm still letting it sink in. It's either brilliant or too fucking ostentatious; one or the other. I can't really decide yet. The guitars are so up front in the mix it's almost unbearable to listen to at times, especially if you increase the volume past a certain degree. Some of the riffs are killer, and some are over the top. The title track has avery annoying main riff, but the second song, crypt of bereavement, is a shred fest and the rest of the album picks up from there. So far I give this a 6.5 out of 10 but I have a feeling in another two or three days of repeat it will either increase or decrease dramatically. Worth checking out, though.
Im finding i like it the more i listen to it. I never really could get into the older limbonic art (i didnt like how it seemed to be so focused on the keyboards, which didnt even sound that good) but i like this new more black metal focused approach a lot.
I'll quote myself from the Black Metal thread -

So I have given a full listen to the new Limbonic Art, and I must say it exceeded my low expectation. It's better than Legacy of Evil. What Daemon seems to have done is go back to Ad Noctum for inspiration, because the production, songwriting and instrumentation is very similar to that album (though less industrial-ish). In terms of quality it doesn't touch Ad Noctum or the first two albums, but it is not bad and worth more listens. The biggest problem is that the album is way too long (over 70 minutes) and could have benefitted greatly by dropping two or three of the lesser songs.