Limited Deluxe Boxset Edition for Power Quest's next album


Jun 24, 2011
I was just wondering if Power Quest have made a deal with Napalm to make limited editions for their next album? Blood Alliance was a brilliant album and they can only be better and improve from their previous one which I never doubt about. I just see all these bands like Alestorm and Týr have something going on with Napalm to make deluxe editions. Is it cause of their popularity and that they have touring around the world more than Power Quest have? I mean, Alestorm released one album before they got digipaks and such. Power Quest is releasing their second album on Napalm but isn't getting any digipak or whatsoever. Could all this explanation to do with the fanbase? Napalm is waiting for a bigger fanbase before they can make it? I know it cost lot's of money but I prefer digipaks/digibooks over jewel cases. It looks so much more professional and personal to me.

Don't you agree?
Unfortunately Napalm wouldn't even finance a t-shirt deal, if I recall correctly - and that's from Steve himself.

I think it really just comes down to Napalm arbitrarily deciding which bands are marketable and which aren't... Alestorm's tongue-in-cheek pirate gimmick has gained them massive popularity and a huge fanbase, much like Dragonforce's speed...

I would love to see PQ have something like this going on but who knows if it's realistic. I think we should all be pushing for the obvious thing, though - the Tragedy Suite :lol:
Welcome delarge! all boils down to what sells most I'm afraid. We are not one of those bands who have, for want of a better word, a gimmick lol! Having said that...we've survived for 10 years without any major financial backing from anyone over the years...we are in it for the long haul!
...we've survived for 10 years without any major financial backing from anyone over the years...we are in it for the long haul!

That says alot too, most of those gimmick bands last for 1-2 albums then vanish into obscurity where they belong. :zzz:

I'm glad PQ hasn't had to rely on a gimmick to sell albums, they have a real fan-base that is loyal and everlasting. :)

That said, I'd love to see more special edition PQ albums, I'd add them to my collection. :Smokedev:

Tragedy Suite Deluxe Demo EP ;)
And with that, let the discussion and rumors of the 6th album begin! :lol:
Now that's intresting to hear!

And when it comes to digi pack, I love them as long as I don't have to chose between them or like japan edition or miss out on any other song in some way
Content over design. If there's to be a digipak of the next album, it better be limited in some way, apart from being a cardboard alternative to good old plastic. I'm way with you on the EP thingy, though. Tobi Sammet seems to be faring well with those, and Mr Williams's compository skills are more than level with aforementioned (Ed)guy's.
Welcome delarge! all boils down to what sells most I'm afraid. We are not one of those bands who have, for want of a better word, a gimmick lol! Having said that...we've survived for 10 years without any major financial backing from anyone over the years...we are in it for the long haul!

Thanks Steve!

Your music is more epic than Alestorm would ever be and deserves to have a luxury package. Wings of Forever had a digipak especially Magic Never Dies with DVD. I bought all of them as the more expensive digipak edition and I would do it again if they make one for your next album. This lineup is more motivated than ever and I can see it in the interviews when they were spoken to Chity. There will be no more lineup changes in a long time which feels great. The more confident the recent lineup will be the better music they will make. Your music represent the dreamland from another dimension so a nice digibook or something like that would make your powerful music more special.
I agree with delarge! The confidence and comfortable playing of the 'new' lineup (using that loosely since they're not exactly new anymore!) is very nice and just about everybody's been floored by the rejuvenated band.

Already salivating thinking about what may come for album #6! :lol:
Just thinking about when I've had to repurchase PQ CDs because my own had become cracked and how one of my BA albums came cracked and how I've recently received ReinXeed cracked....yeah I'm coming around to the digipack idea :lol:

Naturally and appropriately I have no say in what PQ would do next but my preference to shake things up might be an EP, so long as it was put out sooner than the next album would appear (of course not rushed out just there's no point waiting 2 years for an EP then a further 3 for an album) with of course, unreleased gems and an 80s cover (perhaps a Dio tribute?)!
I think PQ releasing an EP with some B-sides and a couple cover tracks would be an amazing idea. I rarely buy singles/EPs, usually just buy full-length releases, but I would so buy that.

Obviously the logistics of such an operation are beyond my comprehension... and I know it's not as easy as 1-2-3, but a fan can dream :D