Line 6 UX2


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
Hey, since moving and selling my Edirol, the time has come that i need some gear to play with an amp sim or i will die! Haha!

I'm really interested in this cause it's only £100, has 2 pres and 2 inputs and has gearbox!

Now, my question is this...

It says low latency monitoring of gearbox, does that mean i can run gearbox in near realtime even with latency/buffer cranked on my DAW (for maximum plugin usage) or is it just same old situation with a new rebranded advertising?

also, the preamps aren't terrible, no?

Any experiences would rock as i hope to pull the trigger this afternoon!
It has Gearbox (Standalone, no VST), zero latency monitoring and the preamps are ok. For the money I think it's a good interface.
Yeah, i wouldn't use it as a VST, just for jamming here... for recording i'll use Revalver MKIII...

Can gearbox be used for tracking distortion DIRECT TO TAPE like a pod or?

Just for guiide tracks? I don't care about editing tone after... I wouldn't use them..
With Gearbox you can record 2 tracks simultaniusly (1 processed and 1 clean). You can use the processed track as a guide track and the clean signal with Revalver.
Yeah those things are fuckin' nifty. My buddy, who is a very casual player, has one and it's a lot of fun! A pretty cool practice, scratch track tool if you ask me.

I've measured the latency using Gearbox/UX2/UX1/Gearbox DI, and they all measured around 200 samples. Not perfect, but definitely usable. I think PODs are lower than this, but I've never measured one. I measured a V-Amp Pro, though, and it was around 100 samples.

I don't think there is any DSP in the hardware. If there were, I think the latency would be lower still, so I believe the computer/software is doing all the processing. It's basically a fatty dongle with I/O.

Gearbox is great for scratch/DI guitar and tracking a silent scratch guitar when recording drums, although the DI is fairly poor. I'd recommend splitting the DI off using a good quality DI and using the TonePort just for the scratch track.
Bam, love this thing!

Typically my guitar is fucked and needs some solderwork but hey! Love it! and i can finally play with Revalver at low-ass latency.. Edirol used to stutter at low latency but only on my comp... never on anyone elses... and it happened randomly and never disappeared, haha!

But i love this thing! Gonna start tracking my new CD soon!
I loved the edirol, used it for years but it suddenly crapped on me and i needed rid...

It was solid for like 3 years though!

Loved it!
Had my UX2 for a few years, really love it. It's fantastic for dual micing an acoustic or an amp, I can put a 57 up close and keep a condenser say a metre back and blend the room in as appropriate. Two takes gives 4 tracks and a really sweet sound. So so handy to have the two XLR inputs, one being phantom powered too and at such a decent price. Good stuff! :)
first put sent 3-4 before the amp sims in gearbox, you can chose if it's processed or clean guitar.

next : set up 2 tracks in your DAW, one get's the signal from sent 1-2, this is your processed amp sim, 3-4 is D.I'd guitar.

I love my UX1 too, great tool for the price.
Does anyone actually have really good presets for the gearbox to share?

I mean, without the additional model packs.